3. What do you mean 'she might be' ?

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BabyDoll's POV.

When Dinah got out of the room, It took sometime to take everything in. I was out of that hell, He wasn't here and Dinah seems cool witch is good. But again I was in somewhere I don't know, with this people I don't know and there's this girl that looks exactly like me. I look around and figured that this room must be my copy's room. There was a lot of pictures, I could say it was me but I lived in a hell so it wasn't me, she has a family and, by the pics, siblings as well and friends, a boyfriend maybe, and happiness. She has everything I don't, except the look. And somehow I still think she is Beautiful and I'm not. When I was done torturing myself I tried to sleep as I waited for Dinah.

Something woke me up, I opened my eyes and saw Dinah. I smiled at her, she back away smiling and then he came to me. I screamed at Dinah for help but she didn't do anything. He grabbed me and carried out of the room. I cried and asked Dinah for help and all she did was opened the door for him. I cried even more.

"You're with daddy again BabyDoll." He whispered in my ear. I screamed so loud that I woke myself up. It took me sometime to calm down, then I fell I strong pain in my abdomen. I looked down and my wound was bleeding again. I was about to scream Dinah for help. But then I remembered my dream, and how he hates when I scream. I shut my mouth and got out of the bed, I made my way out of the room and my pants was already soaked with blood, by the time I reached the stairs I was already leaving I trace of blood on the floor.

I got dizzy and saw my copy in the bottom of the stairs. She screamed something I could understand and came my way. I made two steps down and fainted.

I woke up in somewhere else. I was in a couch and Dinah was knelt beside me and this girl, the one who tried to talk to me first, she was cleaning my wound.

I tried to get up but the girl hold me down. "Stay still or it's going to hurt more." She said serious, she was tiny but I was intimidated by her.

"Hey. It's okay. She is just helping." Dinah said reached her hand out to touch my face. I quickly back away. She looked at me hurt. "What happened?" She asked softly.

"You...you let him....and he was here...and he took me...and you let h-" I started to cry again once I remembered my nightmare.

"Hey. Don't worry. I'm not gonna let anything happen to you. Okay? He's not here. You safe." She said running her fingers through my head smiling sweetly.

Lauren's POV.

I watched Dinah and the girl interacted. Debating with myself if I should approach. The girl may be my sister, I mean it's the only explanation. Right now I don't know what I'm feeling. I'm confused, angry at my parents for not telling, sad because of all she went through.

"Guys we need a doctor." Ally said breaking my thoughts.

"Well let's go to the hospi-"

"No. Lauren no hospital." Dinah said to me and turn to the girl. "Don't worry we are not going."

I was about to ask Dinah why but she looked at me and shook her and I understood.

"Guys she doesn't have a name or documents, we can't take her to the hospital, they will ask questions." Normani stated.

"Maybe we could take her to the hospital and pass her as Lauren." Camz suggested.

"The media will know." Ally responded her. "Right." Camz said and sat down on the other couch.

"Let's call Simon?." Ally said. They all looked at me.

"I don't know if we should bother him with this." They all stayed in silence. "I....Uhum...let me handle this." I said getting out of the room.

I got in the kitchen, grabbed my phone and when through my contacts. I looked at the number and hesitated. She said to call if we need anything but, well, you know, maybe she was just being polite.

"Oh fuck it." I pressed the contact and called her. I started to regret calling but it was too late, she answered.

"Hey, Lauren!" She said excited.

"H-Hi...hm...I'm sorry to call like that but I kinda need a doctor." I said quietly.

"Don't need to apologize Lauren. But why? Are you guys okay?" She asked worried.

"No. No. We're okay. But we had an emergency and..Uhum..."

"Lauren. It's okay. You can tell me." She said kindly. I smiled, she's always so caring.

"It's a long story...I'll tell you later. But can you please help?" I begged her.

"Hey. It's okay. I'm coming with the doctor and you'll tell me everything." She said taking a huge weight off my shoulders.

"Oh my gosh. Thank you so much. You don't understand how much you're helping us." I said in relief.

"Not for this. Girl. I'm here for you guys. And you know. Now relax and give me half hour and I'll be there. Bye."

"Okay. Thank you. Bye." I said and finished the call. And Camz came in with a serious face. I ask her what happened just by looking at her.

"You're parents." Was all she said. I froze. This is it.

I followed Camz to the TV room where everyone was. Mani was sitting in one of the couches with my mother, she was with her eyes full with tears. My dad was in front of the couch where the girl was lying with her head in Dinah's lap.

"Lauren did you get the doctor?" Ally said making everyone look at me. My parents looked like the finally realized what was going on.

"Yes. Ally. Half hour they'll be here." I said. All of suddenly my mom broke down crying and my dad stared at the girl with wide eyes full of tear. The girl look scared. I quickly went up to my dad and pull him by his arm. "D-Dad, you're scaring h-her." I stuttered because of the huge strength I use to make him move. Damn he's heavy. I pull him to the kitchen and we sat on the table. My mom came in next and sat beside my dad.

"So?" I said a little to colder than I expect.

"Lauren...we....oh my gosh...that's her!." My dad didn't seem to find the words.

"Mike, we don't know for sure." My mom debated

"Oh c'mon Babe, you saw her, she looked exactly like Lauren, I thought it was Lauren at first."

"Me too Mike, but I don't know. We shouldn't jump in conclusion. She may be someone just wanting money, Lauren is famous now." My parents seemed to forgot that I was here.

"She doesn't know me." I said grabbing their attention.


"Dinah talked to her, and she doesn't know me, she doesn't have a name, she doesn't know her birthday." I looked at my parents as they grow more and more confuse. "It's complicated. So is she my sister?" I asked.

"We don't know. She might be." My dad responded.

"What do you mean 'she might be' ?"

"Lauren when you were born, your mom had twins that day. But the doctors took you both and came back with just one. No one knew where she was. Later we find out that one of the doctors wasn't a real doctor and he stole the baby. Lauren that...that devastated us.... But we were happy that we still had you, we tried to find her but we didn't even hold her once and we didn't gave her a name, so it was like she didn't exist. But now she is here....and....h-how did you find her?" My dad told me the story while my mom wiped her tears.

"I didn't.....We came from the office yesterday and she was there unconscious in my bed. Someone brought her here."

"Do you guys know who?" My mom asked right away. And I just shook my head. I was about to ask them about her name when Ally came in.

"Uhm Sorry but, Lauren she came with the doctor." Ally said with a bright smile. I could tell Ally missed her, well we all do.

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