Im- sorry...

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So as you can see I love writing sad stuff. Idk why, I honestly think I'm dying 🤷🏻‍♀️. This will be short. Now that school is ending and my acting stuff is over I will try to update more. It's been a minute since I posted. But no guarantees. I have auditions coming up for a local theatre group. Also I will be directing a show! Big step for me so if I don't update as often just DM me and I'll think of smth.

It was the battle of hogwarts. I was frantically running everywhere. Trying to find my boyfriend, Fred Weasley. We had just gotten into a fight, and I needed too apologize. I felt awful like it was all my fault. Like I should be the one to apologize. My mind was racing. Where is he? Is he even alive? What will I say? Will he forgive me? That's when I finally saw him dueling with a death eater. I blasted the death eater, and ran to Fred.
That's when the wall burst in half. Crashing onto him.
I knelt down scrabbling through the bricks trying to find him. Praying he was still alive. I mumbled too my self
"He's ok. He's fine. He's alive." If I was just saying it for my own reassurance is still unclear. When I finally touched his shoulder. I grabbed it and pulled him. When I felt his pulse and saw him no longer breathing. I screamed. I screamed so loud I thought my lungs would explode. For a minute it felt like the world had stopped spinning. Like I was protected from spells and enchantments happening around me. I looked at him in terror in fear. I threw myself over his body. Sobbing my eyes out. It was my fault. It was all my fault. If I had just push the death eater he would've been alive. Molly came rushing over. I heard her scream and fall to her knees. I had caused so much pain. So much heart break I knew George would take it hard. When I finally stopped crying. I looked behind me too see molly gone, I hadn't even noticed. I ran. I ran as fast as my legs could take me. I ran till my legs were jelly and I fell. I felt so guilty. So heartbroken. I guess I was a screw up. A no good screw up.

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