Chapter 14

471 20 4

2 Year Later

Tris POV

Looking down at my finger, I still can't believe I'm getting married tomorrow. Tobias proposed to me a year ago but we've both been so busy that we didn't have any time to plan anything until a few months ago. It's going to have a autumn theme, all yellows, oranges and reds.

"Tris?" The voice breaks me from my thoughts. "Tris? Are you in there?" I blink a few times and Tobias' face comes into focus. I jump back in suprise. 

"Yeah, sorry. I was just thinking"

"OK. well I've got to go to work today if I want tomorrow off." 

"OK. Bye." He gives me a quick kiss before leaving. I can't wait until tomorrow. He'll finally be mine, all mine. 


Tobias is still at work. I watched TV for a few hours but there was nothing interesting on so I decided to bake. 4 hours later I've created a pile of sugary food and am up to my head in dirty dishes. I take the last set of muffins out of the oven just as someone knocks on the door. I place the tray on the bench and open the door. Behind it is a smug looking Peter.

This can't be good

"Hello Tris." His voice comes out sickly sweet. 

"Peter" I all but snarl back.

"That's not a very nice way to greet an old friend." 

"Friends? Ha, that's the funniest thing I've heard in a long time. Now, stop with the small talk and get to the point."

"Are you going to let me in? I think we should sit down while I tell you what I need to."

"What's so bad that I need to sit down?"

"It's about Tobias." He must have seen my face drop because he pushed past me into the living room. I take a detour into the kitchen, hanging up my apron and getting 2 muffins, one for me and one for him. I consider licking his before I give it to him but that would be extremly immature for a women, whos about to get married, to do. I do it anyway. Why not? You only get to live once. 

"Here." I chuck him the-licked-muffin. "So, what about Tobias?" He doesn't say anyhing, just passes me a note. I give him a quizzical look but he just nods at the paper. Cautiously, I unfold and read it.


Congratulations on your marriage. I hope you and Tobias live happily together for the rest of your lives.

Who am I kidding. How could you even like that prick let alone love him. There are so many better people. Like me. But no, you chose him. So you're going to have to live with the conseqences.


P.S. This won't be the only time. Next time you won't survive. Watch your back.'

Once I finish the letter, the quizzical look is still plaster on my face. I look up at Peter to ask him what he means but he's not where he was before. I start to turn around when something strikes my head. I wince but before I can say anything my head is struck again. I turn around and see Peter holding a bat.


"No Tris. Shut up and this will go a lot smoother. Say one more thing and it'll get messy, fast. Let's just say Tobias could be on the end of it." After that, I shut up. Peter keeps hitting me until I'm on the floor. All I can think about is Tobias and saving him. 

I look up into Peter's eyes and all I see is pure anger. Until his eye's meet mine. They soften and I see regret in them. But he rips his glance from mine and smashes the bat into my head.

Blackness surrounds me and there is no escape from it's hold upon me


I finally updated. I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOO SORRY. It's been way too long. I just haven't had any motive to do this. I went on today and saw that this story has 2.4K reads. That means so much to me. Your all probably thinging that that's not alot but it means so much. You all deserve someone that actually updates and can write well. Thank-you to those that waited for me to continue this story. Enormous thanks go to skydauntless_archer for the idea for this chapter and the rest of the story pretty much because they all base around this chapter.

Thank SOOOOOO much again and I'm so sorry, again

P.S. If you guys see any mistakes, this chapters and past, can you please leave a comment so that I can fix them. My notification box is going to be filled with comments telling me to fix things

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