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Taking six days off from work felt amazing since I usually worked full hours. Tyler had been an excuse for me to take a break or rather escape, the porn place I worked at. 

But don't tell my boss that though, apparently he would fire anyone who made that assumption.

When I got home after that disaster in Sophia's office. 

Raphael just laughed at me once I told him about it. He even considered working there because his daily life would be much more adventures. 

But not the part of falling on Tyler's dick.

It's not like every day you get pushed down into your co-worker, and feel his dick on your thigh. 

That thought makes me shudder in disgust.

Thankfully I have Jade, that she and some other staff members can prepare for the VIP guest that's coming up soon. While I can take my mind off things for a while, and relax until the mysterious VIP guest makes an appearance. 

Not so much since mysteriously the code word sounded way too similar to someone that had used that word on me exactly two years ago.

These six days I had spent my time in a cafe that one of my sisters owns. Every single morning I came in here to freshen my mind and let my mind wander for a bit instead of panicking about the unknown man, or the VIP guest that might be the same person.

After hearing the code word, I suddenly became a morning person or rather I was too anxious while I slept during the night. 

I woke up many times throughout the night, so instead of letting my thoughts suffocate me, going to my sister's cafe that's almost open twenty for seven was a better idea.

The small cafe is hidden somewhere in the city, so usually the regulars who live in the city know about this place. The cafe has two floors, and it's a very nice but cozy place to be in.

A lot of people come here because the place has always a calm vibe to it. You can basically let go of all of your problems when you're here which is nice. 

Which for me, I have many problems.

Since my sister opened this place about four years ago, I have come here about 5 times a week. Only because I get special treatment from her, I'm her little brother after all, and she's one of the few of my siblings that are kind to me.

This time i ordered a hot chocolate, i didn't even have to say my order because they already knew what i always ordered when i came in here. 

The whole staff here knows me, I even chat with them from time to time.

I grabbed my hot chocolate from the waitress once she had finished making it, and sat down where I always sit when I'm here. A seat next to the window, in a corner. 

Thank god, it wasn't taken or else i would have called Rapheal to get here with his frying pan.

Sitting down, and taking a sip from my extremely hot drink made my useless thoughts disappear, allowing me to enjoy myself which I don't do most of the time.

I looked out the window from the second floor, enjoying the small raindrops that hit the large windows. Feeling like I'm in some kind of movie, the only thing I needed was music but I had forgotten my headphones at home.

I would honestly love to live here, maybe i should ask my sister if i can? 

It would honestly be a dream come true. My older sister is enjoys taking care of me, especially after I ran away from that hell-hole, called home. 

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