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LIAM (two weeks later.)

Taking long deep breaths before I entered the staff room inside the restaurant, helped me settle my nerves.

Working definitely wasn't on my mind after the hitman incident. My boss even ordered me to take two weeks off from work. After he had heard from Jade what i had witnessed. 

So here I am after being gone for almost three weeks, back to the place where apparently public sex is allowed.

The EVEN better thing is my boss gave zero fucks about the Tyler and Sophia thing in her office.

He just shrugged his shoulders and told everybody he doesn't care about it at all. As long as it doesn't reach the public's ear even though it happened in his own restaurant. Especially when it happened in Sohpia's office, where important clients could walk into the office. 

He's really the boss of the year.

I'm fine now. At least I wasn't the one that got shot. 

I counted all my ten fingers to make sure I was really alive, which I was. Especially when I heard voices from the staff talking between them about clients. Some shouted about a dessert for a current client that needed to be done in twenty minutes.

For the moment I'm going to use work as a distraction because who doesn't want money running into their bank account?

First I went to change into my working clothes inside the staff locker room. Once I was done I went to the source of the many different voices from the staff. 

As I stepped into the staff room, everyone became silent and stared at me with tense gazes.

I felt all eyes on me because everyone had heard about the shooting incident but i call it the hitman incident since he was basically there to kill me but none of them know that. 

Even though all of their eyes made me wanna crawl back into a hole and hide there. I stood in my place and gave everyone a smile while saying hello.

Jade's excited voice broke all the silence and tension that had built up in the room since I arrived.

"Liam? you're back!" She ran up to me, giving me a big warm hug.

Then she looked up at me even though I saw her yesterday since me, her and Raphael almost hung out everyday after that incident. 

She's acting like I'm back from the dead. You won't get rid of me so easily.

But I don't think I told her about coming back to work so soon. She probably thought I would take more than two weeks off from work.

"Do you know how worried we all have been? even a man stopped by-" Before she could finish her sentence. 

Our boss came out of his office making everyone freeze in their seats.

"What are you doing? Go back to work now!" He shouted at all of us. Which made everyone go back straight to work, none dared to utter a word when he was around. 

The boss didn't like the staff chatting amongst them while at work. 

Though he allowed public sex in his restaurant. 

Before my boss went back to his office. He glanced at me, and ordered me to follow him. So I did what he ordered and followed him into his office.

I silently walked behind my boss, observing him from head to toe. If I have to give my honest opinion about my boss. 

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