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It's 2 am, and it has been a few days since I saw the man. 

And when I poured wine all over him.

These past days I haven't gone outside my apartment, afraid to do so. 

I have been laying on my bed, crawling up like a ball the entire time reading some books. I could hear my phone ringing from time to time but I didn't want to pick it up. I didn't call Raphael or Noah as I was terrified of putting them in danger. 

What if this Daimen Valentino wanted me dead? What should I do? Runaway?

Especially after I poured wine all over him and basically humiliated him, in front of his guests. I don't regret my actions but I'm more terrified of the consequences of them.

I still couldn't understand that man. 

These past few weeks have been chaotic for me. Then all of a sudden he appeared in front of me a few days ago. 

I should have known better.

I didn't know what to do from now on. It felt like he made a declaration of some sorts that night because I could not forget that man's gaze. 

The way his eyes never left me, he was following me with his bare gaze.

I withdrew from my thoughts of Damien when I heard my phone ringing from across the bedroom on my desk.

Since about two hours ago my phone hadn't stopped ringing. I tried to ignore it at first by getting lost in my thoughts but if someone is calling me this desperately it has to be something serious.

My decision was to pick up the phone that rang desperately. I got out of my comfortable position from the bed and went to pick up my phone. I stared at the caller unknown number. 

This number was the one that had called me these past two hours.

I answered nervously, "Hello, who is this?"

"Is this Liam Castillo I'm speaking to?" It was a woman who answered the phone call. The tone of her voice sounded rather serious.

I only responded with a tired, 'mhm.'

It felt like my voice was thorn out by the fact I only spoke in my head and not socialized with other people.

I didn't hang up on her yet since the woman on the line didn't sound like a scammer or a person who wanted to trick me into buying one of their products. This woman could as well be it. 

She could be a great actress like Jade.

"I'm sorry to tell you this but your brother was shot. He's currently in the hospital XXXX."

"Thank you for giving me the good news, is he dead yet?" I ask.

Despite my words, It felt like my world stopped at her words. 

I honestly didn't care about my brother depending on which of them it was but since I was trapped in this situation, this meant that Damien might have something to do with this.

Before she could say anything else, I hung up on her, and took a cab to the hospital. I probably looked like a mess going to the hospital in my pyjamas and messy hair but I didn't have time to think about my appearance.

I wanted to know why my brother was shot.

The whole ride to the hospital I wondered how he was shot? and if Damien had something to do with it. 

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