Part 4

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Hey guys,

Here is the next part hope you enjoy it as always feedback/votes/RTS are welcome would love to try and get 5 favourites for this part. Hope you all had a fantastic new year and didnt get too drunk (like some of us) or if you did that your hangover wasn't too bad. Emma xx

Hannah POV

I woke up today feeling a bit down on life I don't know why I was just missing some people who have been out my life for a while. Mainly my Uncle and Grandad who died when I was a lot younger trying to get rid of my mood I flicked my I pod on blasting JLS out of my headphones blocking the world and my thoughts out of my mind. Half an hour later my mood was beginning to lift until I heard the first few bars to Proud and that’s when it happened I just broke down tweeting *#myfavouritelyrics - All That I Do Is To Make You Proud @JLSOfficial everything I do is for you Grandad and Uncle Justin Hope you are Proud * as the tears started rolling down my face. The song had always meant a lot to me as I have always said that everything I do in my life and with my career is for my Grandad and Uncle so when they boys released the song it automatically had a special place in my heart and the fact that JLS released the song made it that little bit more special.

I continued listening to the song as my tears kept streaming down my face as I looked at my family photo wall with pictures of them both on until I saw my phone lighting up. I unplugged my headphones and picked up my phone seeing that I had a new DM on twitter I thought it was strange bearing in mind I hadn’t sent one recently to anyone. Clicking on my DMs I felt the colour from my face drain as I sat down and looked at the name …… surely…… no … can’t be…… That’s right I had a DM from JLS I felt so faint and worried what if they saw my tweet oh god a thousand thoughts started swirling around my head as I opened it reading the DM. It read *I’m sure your Grandad and Uncle would be extremely proud of everything you do Love always A <3 xxx* Well that just set it all off again as the tears that were dried up were replaced with fresh ones as a mixture of emotions washed over me. The first emotion was embarrassed I don’t really know why I was never the type of girl to be afraid of showing her emotions but at the end of the day JLS had seen my tweet about that and Aston had replied to it. Secondly I felt sadness for the obvious reasons I mean everyone who has lost a loved one has moments where they miss them more than normal. Lastly I felt shock that JLS had DMed me not only was it JLS but Aston DMed me a really sweet one at that. I know what everyone thinks when you say that I mean don’t get me wrong I love them all equally for different individual reasons as well as for the fact that they are in JLS but in terms of celebrity crushes it was definitely Aston. I mean from his hair to his eyes that look like a deep pool of chocolate that I could get lost in, to his tattoos to the way he is so sweet to all his fans (as are all the boys) finally to his body I mean words fail me when I try to describe his body.

Once I had got over all my emotions I figured I should probably tweet something composing the following tweet * @JLSofficial Thanks for that DM Aston it was really sweet of you and made me feel a lot better* but before tweeting deciding not to knowing the hysteria it would cause especially with the way some fans were they would keep demanding to know what his DM to me was and why he sent it. No matter how proud I am of the fact that I’m not afraid to wear my heart on my sleeve I feel that it is a private thing between myself and Aston even that I know that it probably meant nothing to him he probably sent about 10 others like that to other JLSters. Instead I decided to tweet *Sometimes the simplest of comments or message that someone could send you means the world* kinda confusing for some people but I would know what it meant and maybe in the unlikely event that any one of the boys checked my twitter soon they would see how much it actually meant to me. In a way that DM meant so much to me that I didn’t want to share it with the world.  Logging out of twitter I plugged my I pod in hitting shuffle before deciding to go on a  run to get the rest of the sadness that I was left feeling ouyt and get some endorphins into my body to replace the sadness.

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