Part 13

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As soon as they were both cuddled on the sofa Aston started kissing Hannah’s forehead and playing with her fingers. After a couple of times of Aston doing this Hannah turned around so they were facing each other and they started kissing and well kissing turned into making out lightly which rather quickly turned into a full on making out session on the sofa. Soon enough things were heading towards the bedroom with clothes being teared off each other with kisses becoming more and more passionate and desperate the final items were removed as they fell onto the bed and with a tear of a wrapper things got rather heated. After a couple of hours and a few rounds they were led in bed with Hannah laying her head on Aston’s chest as they started to talk about their situation.

Aston POV

‘So we are really going to do this?’ Hannah asked me as we led in bed I was playing with her fingers again and she was tracing the outline of my stars that are tattooed onto my v-line.  I knew it was going to come up at some point this weekend but I didn’t think it would come up this early on. ‘Yeah I want to be with you Hannah and is if this is the only way I can have you at the moment then I am going to take it’ I replied it was the truth. I mean did I wish that she came here and told me that she had broken up with her boyfriend and was going to be mine 100% obviously I did but I knew in the back of my mind that it was just my wishful thinking. ‘hmm  I just wish things were simpler’ Hannah sighed ‘you and me both babe trust me’ I sighed back as I pulled her into my chest more and hugged her that little bit tighter.  ‘What are you going to do though Aston I mean you’re a celebrity, you have paps following your every move you can’t do as much as breathe without being in the headlines something like this being exposed is huge front page worthy I don’t think you realise what this could do to your career’ Hannah continued to rant as she pulled out of my grip and sat up running her delicate fingers through her hair. ‘I know it’s risky but I like I said I want to be with you if that means I am splashed over ever newspaper or magazine so be it’ I replied that was the truth at the end of the day. I had planned to have a romantic dinner and a film night in our hotel room tonight but I had a feeling that we both wanted and needed to loosen up and let our hair down as such so I thought I would put the idea of a night out to her. ‘What do you think about having a night out? Go clubbing no one would think much of it as long as we arrived and left separately’ I shrugged. I could tell she was thinking about it after about two minutes she still hadn’t said anything and I was beginning to think it was a bad idea but then she replied, ‘yeah I could be fine’ if you asked my honest opinion she didn’t sound too keen on the idea but hopefully it would make us more comfortable around each other. We lazed around in bed for the rest of the afternoon just talking about ourselves and generally getting to know each other before ordering an early tea from room service which we also ate in bed eventually untangling ourselves from each other so that we could get ready.

Hannah POV

The afternoon was pretty much perfect in my eyes just laying around in bed with Aston getting to know each other which was really nice almost like a normal couple without the drama it felt like we were in our own little bubble and nothing could touch us or bother us. I was currently doing the finishing touches to my outfit as Aston came out the bathroom ‘WOW babe you look amazing’ he whispered in my ear I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks as I blushed as I turned through in his grip that he had around my waist as I looked him up and down ‘too bad I can’t say the same thing for you I mean you could make some sort of effort’ I winked at him before wriggling out of his grip going into the bathroom to add a quick splash of perfume. Of course I had been teasing him I mean he looked H-O-T HOT! But you have to tease a guy don’t you?!


The evening was now in full swing and a fair few alcoholic beverages have been put into both Aston’s and Hannah’s blood stream well to put in bluntly they were completely plastered. They were all over each other grinding on each other on the dance floor and not leaving each other’s side all night like always when they had nights out separately the boys gave Hannah some attention and Aston got a lot of attention but they quickly put it out there that neither of them were interested and people backed off and left them too it.

Mike POV

I woke up after a night out with the lads my head was pounding but it was worth it as I hadn’t had a night out with the boys in a while. To be honest I haven’t seen my friends much since I have got with Hannah because I have just wanted to spend all my time with her so it was nice to be with my friends. I mean I got quite a bit of female attention I even got embarrassed for some of the girls they might as well as had desperate tattooed on their foreheads and got it over with but I politely declined any advances telling them that I had a girlfriend who I was very much in love with and have no plans on breaking up with anytime soon if anything I was looking to make further advances in our relationship. I had been thinking about our relationship a lot recently and decided that I was going to ask Hannah to move in with me this weekend but then she told me that she was going to see her parents this weekend so couldn’t do anything which ruined my plans slightly but I will just do it when I see her in the week at some point. I made my way downstairs to get some pain killers in attempt to numb the dull pain that is in my head right now as I saw my paper had been delivered I opened it up and I swear my eyes nearly popped out of my head when I flicked quickly through the paper and sae the headline in the entertainment section *Is Bachelor Merrygold Off The Market?* with a huge picture of Aston Merrygold and Hannah the throbbing pain in my head got greater as I continued to read the article..

*Sorry ladies it seems that long time Bachelor, Aston Merrygold, 21 may be off the market. Merrygold was seen partying in various clubs in Mayfair last night with a mystery brunette. Other clubbers in the all the clubs that the pair visited said that they seemed very much loved up, were all over each other all night and didn’t leave each other’s side. Merrygold was spotted wearing dark denim jeans with a checked shirt whilst the mystery brunette definitely had Aston’s attention with a very short LBD that left very little to anyone’s imagination. As a quarter of one of the UK’s hottest band, JLS and the only single member of the band Aston is one of the most sort after men in the music industry, admired by many fans of all ages it seems that many hearts will be breaking this morning if the rumours of Merrygold and the mystery brunette being together are true. We tried to contact JLS management but they refused to comment on the article. So has Aston Merrygold finally got himself a lady I guess we will have to keep our eyes peeled but we have a feeling we have spotted the music industries newest and hottest couple.*

I couldn’t believe my eyes I don’t understand how this could even happen I mean she had never met JLS trust me I would know about it she loved that band more than I loved rugby and that’s a lot trust me. Maybe I had got it all wrong I mean Hannah had gone to see her parents this weekend she wouldn’t go to London for the weekend she only went the other day. I opened the article again my heart shattered into a million pieces there and then as much as I studied the picture and tried to convince myself that it wasn’t Hannah in the picture it was just a girl that looked really like Hannah I knew I was only kidding myself it was Hannah. I don’t know what hurts the most the fact that she cheated, the fact that she was wearing the dress that I had brought for her birthday a couple of months ago granted it was before she together but it still hurt or the fact that it was splashed all over the papers no doubt it was all over the internet and various magazine covers too. So many thoughts were swirling round and round in my head I honestly thought Hannah was going to be the one I mean I had imagined getting married to her, settling down with her and spending the rest of my life with her how wrong was I? A wave of mixed emotions overpowered me I think the strongest emotion was embarrassment; everyone is going to see this all my friends, family I was totally humiliated by the girl that I love. I tore up the newspaper in an angry rampage shreds of the article fluttering on my living room carpet as I made my way to the kitchen throwing back a couple of pain killers with a  big gulp before stumbling back to my bed pulling the covers back over me hoping that I would wake up and it would all be a dream for god sakes I love the girl.

Soooo what do you think of that part? What you expected to happen? I just wanted to thank everyone for all their feedback the last post I got the most feedback I had in a long time it meant so much to me. I know I say it all the time but it does honestly I mean as sad as it may seem it sometimes brings me close to tears if not makes me cry.  Unfortunately I am unable to post for at least a week which is why this part is quite a long one would 450 reads be pushing it maybe we will have to see.  I have decided since you have all been so king with your comments, votes etc when this story gets to at least 4,000 reads /100 votes I will post a teaser for my last fanfic that I am currently writing and that I will be posting after this one.  Anyway enough of me rambling Votes/Feedback/RTs are appreciated in case you haven’t already gathered. Until next time Emma xx PS if anyone wants to talk to me on twitter just tweet me @itsemma_3 as that’s the account I mainly use but please don’t tweet about my fanfic on that account as I won’t reply to it  x 

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