Chapter 3 . ❝𝐒𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐥𝐲 𝐑𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠❞

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(Setting: Tsukishima's Apartment)
Tsukishima sat in bed. The soft sunlight shining through his bedroom curtains and a lavender scent mist flowing through the air. Today was Monday, the day Tsukishima had to go to a celebration, but it started at 5:30 pm so he had a few hours to relax at home.


After resting in bed for at least half an hour the blonde male got up from bed and headed to kitchen. There he stood making pancakes in the shape of hearts and decorated them with honey, whipped cream, chocolate chips, and strawberries. With that he also had a cup of black coffee. All that he could think of while eating breakfast was the conversations he had with that Tobio boy last night. He found out that Tobio was single, plays volleyball, his favourite drink was milk, his favourite color is blue, and he likes stuffed animals. 

Once Kei finished his breakfast he changed into some ripped jeans with a white shirt, a cream flannel, and some white tenni-shoes. He decided he wanted to get a surprise for Tobio, he had no reason for this surprise. He just felt like surprising the kind boy. 

When at the store he skimmed through the stuffed animal section and finally decided to get the black bear, and then headed to the cold section to get some cartons of milk. After buying these things Kei went to the cafe assuming Kageyama was working there today, but he wasn't there. 


Tobio, where are you?

Good morning to you to, and I'm at home.
Why do you ask?

Could you perhaps meet up with
me at ____ park?

ugh, but it's 10 in morning

Fine then, I'll come to you


I'm going to your place

You don't know my address,
and I'm not giving it to you

Then I'll ask your coworkers

No, you're not coming over


Silence filled Tobio's bedroom as he waited for Tsukishima to respond.


Too bad, I'm omw

Ha, I'll lock the front the door
so you can't get in

I'll ask for a spare key

I hate you you tall gremlin

Ouch, well see you in a bit
grumpy cat stealer




Tobio blushed as he took a closer look at his screen. "I love you to," Kageyama repeated. Then bounced out of bed, "He loves me!? Wait no I have other things to worry about. I need to lock the front door right now." The setter rushed to the front door, but halfway there he heard a knock at the door. "Dammit," he mumbled.  

Kags opened the front door to see the smile of the tall gremlin. He was holding a stuffed animal and milk cartons. "Hey, these are for you," Tsukishima said still smiling while handing Tobio the gifts. "Why... did you get me these gifts?" the shorter male said as he looked up at Tsuki. "I just felt like getting you something,"Kei replied. "Oh Thanks..." "Well that's all I wanted from you so I'll get going now, See you." Before Tsukishima could walk away Kageyama grabbed his wrist. 

"That's it? Don't you want to stay for a cup of coffee or something?"

"Aw, does the grump need some company? "

"Just get inside dickhead."

"Okay, your majesty," Tsukishima said as he bowed. A puzzled face was placed on Kageyama as a memory appeared. It was an old teammate from Karasuno bowing down and saying teasingly, "Okay, your majesty." But the face was blurry.

(I'm wondering If I should create a youtube playlist of songs that you guys can listen to while reading the story. Would you guys like that?)

𝐇𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐈 𝐒𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐁𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞? ( Tsukikage / Tsukishima x Kageyama )Where stories live. Discover now