Chapter 4 . ❝𝐈 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮❞

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(Setting: Tobio's Apartment)
Tsukishima stepped inside the apartment, Kageyama closing the front door behind him."You can wait in living room if you'd like," Kageyama said as he walked in the kitchen setting the cartons in the fridge and the stuffed animal on the counter top. "Alright," Tsukishima said as he walked to the living room and plopped himself on the sofa.


Tobio then brung Tsukishima his coffee and sat in a cushioned chair sat across the sofa. The black haired male studied Tsukishima, he's every movement and expressions. "Tobio you okay?" Kei asked as he set his empty coffee cup on the coffee table. "Oh yeah, I'm fine still a little tired," he replied. "I could go if you want to get some sleep." "No no it's fine, I like having people over," Tobio said as a tint of pink grew on his cheeks because of embarrassment. "Alright then," Tsukishima said as he sat back. 

Silence filled the cold room. Shivers ran down Kageyama's body. "So Tobio, tell me a bit more about yourself," Tsukishima smiled as he rested his chin in his left palm. "S-Sure," Kags stuttered. "Well, My grandfather passed away when I was in Junior High. Because of that I had to move in with my dad throughout the rest of school. Though when my sister, Miwa, was old enough to have her own place I moved in with her so I wouldn't have to see my father anymore. Then eventually I had to move on from Junior high to Highschool. I tried out for shiratorizawa, but they.. declined me. So instead I went to a school named Karasuno, and played for there volleyball team as a setter." 

Tsukishima has heard enough. He finally figured out who this person was. "Tobio Kageyama," He smirked, "I haven't seen you in forever." Kageyama, shocked by how this man knew his full name, finally his brain started to uncover this blurry boys face. "Tsukishima Kei," Kageyama quietly replied. Kageyama was about to run up to the blonde and hug him since it's been so long ever since he's seen one of his old teammates, but he thought that would make things awkward. "Is it, okay... if I hug you?" Kags mumbled. Tsuki let out a small chuckle and stood up from the couch and walked over to Kageyama, getting down on both knees in front of him, and hugged the setter. 

Not only did Kageyama want to cry because he found an old teammate, but he hasn't felt physical touch like this in a long time. Tsukishima soon heard crying and sniffling, he shoulder now feeling wet. "A-Are you crying?" "Yeah, sorry," Tobio sniffled as he let go of Kei, "It's just that not only have I received affection like this in a while, but..."

"I also found you, Saltyshima." He chuckled.

"King," The tall blonde also slightly laughed as he pulled the other male in for a hug. 

𝐇𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐈 𝐒𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐁𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞? ( Tsukikage / Tsukishima x Kageyama )Where stories live. Discover now