The Olympiad Pt4

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Third person POV:

Gray rushed home, his head clouded with thoughts and memories. He ignored the cries of his best friend Eugene, and the pleasant greetings of his friend Teddy in the hallway. He didn't care or take a notice, he had only one thing on his mind. "It's all my fault, I can't do it again, If I leave again they're all going to get hurt and its all going to be my fault again."
Though this thought was incredibly irrational, it didn't need to make sense for Gray to put his entire sense of belief in it. Normally, Gray would only believe things set in stone, cold, hard, facts. However, the feeling of emptiness and longing for a reason broke through Gray's wall of reason. It had begun to rain, though Gray walked without a care. He had an umbrella and a bus card, although, he was reluctant to use any. The rain wasn't that bad; it was cold and wet but it was better than most things.
As soon as Gray arrived home, he discarded all of his school supplies, and his shoes, by the door. He quickly changed out of his school uniform and collapsed onto his bed. He cried, nobody was here, nobody was ever home, nobody would ever hear. So he sobbed and squeaked till he was numb once more, then he just laid there in silence. He enjoyed the lack of sounds, though it reminded him of how empty his room was, and quiet. His walls were an awfully boring white, and the only pieces of furniture that resided in the room were his bed, a small dresser, a nightstand, a desk, and a bookshelf. Gray didn't collect any small things, like stamps or postcards. The only thing he ever seemed to enjoy collecting were books, all nonfiction and read thoroughly once or twice before returning to their spot on his bookshelf. His room could pass as that of a minimalist's. 
His empty room echoed that of his heart. Which bleed and cried, longing for his friend. But his friend was gone and it was 

"So what happened?" Gerald asked Ben and Eugene, he had no idea why the other boys were huddled around on the rooftop, upon further examination (easedropping), he discovered it had something to do with Gray, who was nowhere to be seen. Eugene quickly told his story, and Alex his. Though, Gerald had a hard time focusing on the boys, the only thing he could focus on was Ben. Ben stood there with a look on his face unlike any Gerald had ever seen. He looked terrified, and seemed to wince every time the word "Olympiad" and "Gray" were in the same sentence. It was obvious, he knew something we didn't.
"Ben," Gerald started "Tell us what you know."
Ben looked around unsure and asked, "What?"
"Don't be stupid, you obviously know something." Gerald replied.
Alex turned to face Ben and seemed to study him for a minute, "You definitely know something Ben, you've been subtly trying to warn us about this the whole time, we just never picked up on it. So what is it."
Ben seemed to hesitate for a moment, staring off in to space for just a second more before saying "Well, its not my story to tell," Alex seemed unhappy with that answer, "But, I can summarize.
As Ben started his summary, the boys could feel their expressions changing.
At the words, "His only friend was bullied." They felt sad.
"By someone they had both once considered to be their friend." Anger.
"To the point, that he was forced off a rooftop, from which he fell six stories." Now surprise.
"He fell the day of the Olympiad, which Gray had left for." Shock and understanding.
"Gray broke and was traumatized, he learned to fight, self taught, and beat the crap out of his friend's bullies. That act of defiance got him expelled." Ben finished, the looks on the boys' faces now read a mix of pity, sadness, shock, anger, and surprise. 
None of the boys said it, but they all were secretly formulating ideas in their heads of how tomorrow would go with Gray, what they would say, how they would act. They silently coordinated the entire day, preparing for Gray's sadness and pain; preparing to help him and comfort him.
However, nothing could have prepared them for the next day. Or in particular, nothing could have prepared them for Gray the next day. No scenario in their mind could've predicted Gray's actions, and emotions the next day.


Hello friends, I'm sorry for the short chapter but I'm planning on wrapping it up in the next chapter that will be posted tomorrow. I have to finish this story soon because Saturday is Gray's B-Day and I want to do an incredibly short story, like a real short story, for that. I'll have to finish it by Friday though, because I have a birthday get-together of my own on Saturday. (Gray's B-Day is two days before mine)

Thank you so much for reading, hope you enjoyed. See you in the future.

Serious Question: Did y'all like the change of perspective? Like Gray's thoughts and actions, a divider, and then the rest of the gang's. I hope it wasn't confusing at all. 
I would also like to know if y'all like the 3rd person point of view writing, cause I don't have to do that, I can go back to 1st person if y'all would like. (Though I prefer 3rd, just saying, I think I'm better at it. Up to y'all though)


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