The Sleepover Pt1

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Gray's POV:

 I'm so tired today. I barely slept at all, my dreams were plagued with memories of... him. It's been so long since the accident, you would think the trauma would have subsided by now. It had been months since the last time I dreamt about him. Yet, last night, my mind kept replaying that scene over and over. I leave for the Olympiad, with the promise of Chinese food and a game of Tekken after, only to come back and discover the horror. Stephen... had fallen from the roof of our school. 

 I paused, and drew a breath. I could talk about Stephen forever, but at the same time, never. I have great new friends now. Friends I trust with almost everything, almost. I haven't told them about my past at Byuksan. Well, at least not all of them. I told Ben, I don't know why I trust him so much, but I do. I told him about Stephen, and my past and-

"Gray!" I look up from my thoughts to realize Eugene is standing in front of me with Rowan, Alex, and Gerald. "Oh, hey." I replied casually. "You were really zoned out there." Alex piped in. The other nodded as they all sat there waiting for a reason. The awkward silence was broken by Ben coming in from the Cafeteria with hands full of banana milk. "Here you go guys!" he said handing each of us a carton. I was internally thanking him for getting me out of an uncomfortable position. I planned to tell them everything, eventually, now was not the time. Not with the threat of the Union and Donald Na.

"So you guys are all coming to my super-epic sleepover tomorrow, right?" he said, his voice ecstatic. Oh, I had completely forgotten about that. I never agreed to it, but I did say I would consider it. I didn't want to go, I wanted to sleep. I'm entirely exhausted. Everyone replied with an "Of course" or a "Yea, wouldn't miss it". I didn't answer, I was still trying to decide if I would be okay. I looked up from my Algebra 7 book, to see Ben looking at me with hopeful eyes. "Fine." I replied, "Wait really?" Ben asked as if he didn't expect this at all. "Yea... why not." he looked at me for a second more before putting his hand on my forehead, "Do you feel ill?" he questioned.

I would love to tell him that I felt like crap, but I held that in and simply answered "I'm fine." Ben looked as if he wanted to say something, however, it seemed as if he couldn't find his words. Everyone else had the same expression. If they were going to say something, they didn't get the chance to. The bell rang for the last time of  the day, and since I didn't have any after school classes or cram school today, I was going home.

I packed up my stuff and left them, still standing there. I was making my way down the street to the bus stop. I sat down, and heaved a heavy sigh. I shouldn't have left them like that, they probably hate me now, that's fine. The bus finally go here, I carefully made my way to the back and put in my earbuds. I am a pretty person, soft and frail looking, to contrast that, I mostly listen to light rock. I put my playlist on shuffle, took a breath, and looked out the window. School had slowly made its way out of the background as we neared the residential neighborhood. Nice flats, that housed multiple people. 

I live in one of these flats. They aren't too bad, but they aren't great. I wanted to apologize to my friends for my snappy behavior, but I couldn't bring myself to text first, so I just sat there in silence. I arrived at my flat, none of my flatmates are here right now. So, I just silently made my way to my room. As soon as I flopped down on my bed. I was planning to sleep, until my phone went off. It was our group chat:

BigBen: so just to get this right everyone is in right

His grammar was purely awful:

GrayYeon: So just to get this right, everyone is in?

Gogo: Leave it to gray to find all our grammatical issues. XD

Eungene: We would sound like idiots without him here ngl

BigBen: Yea we would, it's all good though. Alright, so is everyone in?

Rowan: Yep!

Gerald: Sure

Gogo: Wouldn't miss it

Teddy: K

Eugene: Of course

How do I reply? I guess i'll go if they'll have me:

Gray: I'm not busy tomorrow, so i'll be there.

BigBen: Aight sounds like it is settled. Don't worry you guys will not regret this.

I certainly hope not, I say as I lay my phone down on my chest. Allowing my eyes to close and my mind to wander.

{816 words isn't bad for my first chapter, right? I'm looking forward to continuing this story. Hope y'all enjoyed, have a great day!}

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