Requested Story 1(2/2)

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After Gray shared his story he didn't cry anymore. He didn't look sad. It was like he speedran all stages of the grief and sadness that comes when feeling betrayed from a friend. When Stephen quested him and his demeanor the only answer he got was "Well, It seems I'm used to this feeling."

Stephen didn't press him anymore.

After eating their apple, he took Gray to the couch, from there he wrapped his arms around Gray's torso, perhaps a bit closer to his waist, and tenderly placed his head on Gray's closest shoulder. He held him close to his body in an effort to make him feel warm and loved.  Some part of Stephen knew something was going to happen between Gray and the gang, he knew Gray was mad, frustrated, and somewhat hurt.

Gray opened his heart up to someone once more, and let them in, called them his friends, and once again he was hurt by the ones he held most dear and thought highly of.

No matter what happens, Stephen thought while holding Gray a little tighter, he needs to know he has someone in his corner. He shouldn't have to feel alone.




Gray left late the next day, promising Stephen he wouldn't do anything hastily. The Saturday evening was unusually cold, or maybe that was just Gray missing a certain warmth in his life. It was fine. Everything was fine. It would all be alright.


The next day flew by as Gray counted his troubles and worries, he forgot to do a lot of things that Sunday. However, he made sure to eat at least a meal and a snack, and drink water, due to Stephen's calls and nagging. He also thought of how he would approach this.

He should've told them about his past. He should've made sure they knew the whole story before they were shown a document of sugar-coated-lies. He should've known they'd turn on him. There was no way they'd ever view the story differently, his side would just seem defensive and untrue.

City Representative Yang sure had people in the right places, he sure had sources that could write- no that could fabricate and exaggerate stories in just the right way. 

He'd done it... Bryce Oh, that is, Gray laughed while staring at the celling above his bed, that son-of-a-gun found one more way to ruin my life. Gray kept laughing until the laughs turn to silent sobs, some of which shook his body and made it hard to breath. Then he simply stopped, I didn't deserve a fresh start anyway.

Eventually, he fell asleep, despite his desperate efforts to stay awake and delay the approach of morning.



Gray sat at his desk, perfectly fine. Not a trace of a break down, or a difference in emotion, remained. He was just there. Eugene sat down next to him, as always, and started to talk. To which he was ignored. Eugene was dumbfounded and continued an attempt for a bit, before eventually giving up and studying quietly.

The other boys were a different story.

They came to the class, Ben was loud as always, though the other boys looked at Gray, faces full of confusion. They knew. Too much even.

"Hey Gray!!!" Ben raised his voice playfully.

Gray's eye's cold flicked from his book to Ben, and then returned to his book.

"C'mon," He nudged Gray's shoulder, "What's wrong with you."

Gray's response left them all shocked, "Oh, I'm sorry, I seem to have forgotten to take my medication for my serious mental instability. Honestly, I'm such a damn threat to y'all and your petty emotions and biased feelings. I should just leave you be." Throughout his entire piece, he looked past Ben, his cold angry eyes, left rounded and seemingly innocent, rested on the other guys. He then got up and left. Though as he stood at the door, he paused, "Though, I'm sure you all expected this." 

His words cut them like knives, full of anger, and bitterness. Teddy and Gerard covered their mouths with their hands. While Alex was on the verge of a break down.

Finally Rowan broke the silence "That was the scariest thing that's ever happened to me."

"That's the thing," Ben stated, loudly emphasizing his words, "What the Hell just happened?!"

Most of the guys were still in shock, finally Eugene spoke, "H-how long do you think he'll stay mad?"

The empty classroom was silent, the boys silently thanked everyone there was to thank that the classroom was empty, and that no one had seem that.

"I guess I'll tell Ben..." Alex spoke up, and told the whole story.

Ben's eyes were bigger than golf balls, "You DID WHAT?!" he was almost as mad as Gray was.

"Well, we didn't know he was sitting there, or we-"

"That doesn't mean you can just talk crap about someone, no not someone, your friend, before even hearing their side of the story!"

The boys looked like kicked puppies. Being yelled at by Ben, their leader, was nearly as scary as Gray's glare. 

"Don't talk crap about your friends behind their backs, or your no better than the Union bullies."

The boy's were quiet, they listened to Ben like sponges, soaking in every word.

Ben took a breath, "Did you even ask for his side of the story, did you even think to ask before making assumptions?" he asked softly.

Again nobody answered.

"Friendships are built on trust, understanding, and communication. And right now we don't have any of that with Gray."

After a moment Alex spoke up, "We should probably go find Gray."

And so the boys left to find their friend, who was sitting on an outside bench reading.

The boys immediately apologized, and asked politely for his side of the story. Which, when given, shocked them. They felt like crap. They apologized once more, and asked a simple question, 'Are we still friends?'

To which Gray answered, "I don't exactly trust y'all a ton, and I'm still kind of mad, y'all hurt me pretty bad," They lowered their heads sadly, "Its going to take a bit for y'all to get back to where you were, friendship wise. But overall, yea, we're friends."

The boys smiled, Gray wouldn't forgiven them immediately, but maybe he shouldn't. He said it would take a little while, and that was fine. He could take all the time he needed. As long as everything ended up all right in the end. Which it hopefully would.


It's ME, I'm not dead. FUN. This took ages because I had a ton of thing to do this week, sorry lovelies. Anyway, The requested story was from...


And it was, Gray being mad at the gang, which seemed interesting. Cause friendships aren't always sunshine and roses. Anyway, feel free to send me prompts, I'm kinda out of ideas lol. I hope I execute things the way y'all imagined them to be.

Tysm, for reading and have a wonderful whenever.

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