Roadtrip Pt.6

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"Where are they?" Alex asked Gray, while wandering with him aimlessly through the aisles. They had both called them multiple times.

Gray shrugged.

"I swear to god..." He sighed, not wanting to finish that sentence almost as much as he didn't want to look for the guys, or rather find them. They could, in theory, have forgotten their phones, or maybe both of theirs's died. Or they're off on purpose.

"You want to wait a bit? See if they call?" Gray asked, pointing in the direction of some benches.

Alex nodded, as they walked over together and sat down side by side.

"Hey Gray?"

The smaller turned to him with a bright look, he'd retained, on his face, similar to Alex's.

Alex was embarrassed and he hadn't even said anything yet. He couldn't help but look away, and twiddle his thumbs. "Can you tell me what they said now?"




Gray kissed him, his lips were soft and he was gentle. 

Alex could feel the careful pull of Gray's arms around his neck, subtly asking him to lean down closer.

Oddly enough, at the moment, Alex didn't really mind. His mind honestly had gone completely  blank. He didn't really think when he allowed himself to wrap his arms around Gray's waist. God, he's pretty. He closed the gap between them quickly, it's just for an experiment, he reminded himself. Though, even that thought didn't keep him from holding Gray close.

It lasted for just a moment, not long at all. And as they pulled away, Alex couldn't help but feel to the odd urge to not let him go, to keep holding him, to kiss him again. Does he know I like him? Is this a tease?  Reluctantly, he allowed Gray to pull away, and his arms to loosen around the boy, though Gray didn't create much space; He didn't force Alex's arm  off, though Alex had loosened his grip, and some space was made between the two.

Gray smiled brightly as his eyes glittered with enthusiasm, or perhaps excitement.

Alex had the same look on his face. He'd kissed a boy, and a few girls before, but it was never like this, he'd never.. he'd never felt like this before.

That's when the butterflies hit Alex like a train. 

"We still need to go get graham crackers." Gray said, getting a bit closer and snuggling his face into Alex's jacket, just under his chin. Is this still an act? For his 'experiment'?

His arms wrapped a bit more around the boy, closing the gap once more, "Yea, we do." He wanted Gray close.

I don't really care if it is ... it's nice.

"I'll explain later Alex, okay?" Gray's voice was unusually sweet, he'd never heard such warmth from the stoic boy. He couldn't fake emotions like this, that sounds far too real.. no it feels too real. He means it doesn't he? God, I hope he means it.


Gray's hair was soft and smelled like lavender. Alex buried his face in it.

I really hope he means it.



"Oh," Gray paused, he looked almost embarrassed, and... slightly flushed? "Well at first it was just some lewd comments about me, things they'd like to do with me, how they thought I was awfully slutty and might agree. The usual." He face was somewhat blank, he didn't even seem agitated in the slightest.

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