Part 1 - Third times the charm...right?

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Joys of laughter and chatter fill the air as kids run across the open field in front of a second-story wooden building they call home. Leaves crunching beneath them with each step they took. Smiles plastered on their faces as they could feel the cool and crisp wind touching their skin with the warmth of the sun. The bird's chirping a sweet tune as they soar through the air, looking down on the children as they play their games.

Out on the field, the kids were spread out. Either playing catch, jump rope, hopscotch, marbles, four square, or just talking with their friends. Others choose to bask in the sun or take naps under a tree or climb the tree. Some like to stay in the shade as they people-watch. Speaking of people-watching, two boys, ranging between the ages of 10-12, were hanging out in the shade as they lean against the building, watching their siblings having fun.

Unbeknownst to the two, a small figure crept up behind them, specifically the (h/c) boy. The figure takes a running start before jumping onto the (h/c)'s back.

"GAH!" The (h/c) jerks forward into the sunlight and revealing the figure to be a little boy with black hair. 

The (h/c) looks over his shoulder, "Hey Phil, maybe a little warning next time." He grumbles to the younger boy.

"Sorry (Y/n), but where's the fun in that?" The boy, known as Phil, gives him a shit-eating grin.

The other boy bursts out laughing at Phil's remark. (Y/n) glares at the chestnut hair boy, "Oh shush, Michael. You'll know how it'll feel." He smirks.

"What-" Suddenly, Michael face plants into the ground as a little boy with ginger hair sits on his back.

"HAHA!" The ginger cheers, causing the rest of the boys to laugh while Michael groans.

Michael's voice muffled, "Get off me, please." 

The ginger shakes his head, not wanting to move. (Y/n) sighs, "C'mon Richard, get off of the poor boy." He nudges him with his foot.

"Fine." And Richard begrudgingly does so with a pout as he crosses his arms. 

Michael gets up and wipes off the dust on his shirt and pants, "So, what brings you two here?"

Phil shrugs, "Oh, I don't know, just wanting to play with my two older brothers." Richard nodding his head excessively.

(Y/n) grins, "Well, in that case... PIGGYBACK RACE TO THE TREE AT THE HILL!" He zooms off to the tree with Phil on his back.

"Hey! No fair!" Michael quickly sweeps up Richard onto his back and chases after the two.

Laughter fading away from the two teams as they near the tree to claim victory. 


The moon was out as the crickets made chirping sounds. Everything peaceful as everyone in the village is sound asleep, except for two specific boys. 

Zooming in on the building mention earlier, the second floor is where the bedrooms are at. Small chatter could be heard coming from one of the shared rooms. Upon looking further into the room, small light shined from behind the bed at the back of the room. With the beds facing the walls, it was hard to spot who was behind the bed until bits of (h/c) hair and chestnut hair could be spotted. 

So the bed that the two boys were behind was (Y/n)'s. Michael holds a flashlight and shines a light on the pages of a book. He was reading to (Y/n) and himself with (Y/n) sitting across from him as he leans against his bed. The two were having trouble sleeping and it was Michael's turn to pick out a book and read it since (Y/n)'s turn has already passed from a few nights ago. 

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