S5: Ep 45 - Winds of Change

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You and your team soar high above the Endless Sea on your Elemental Dragons, taking in the salty sea air and feeling the cool mist on your skin. The mid-day sun shines down on you, making the ocean surface below you sparkle with multi-color reactions. Despite the beauty of the vast ocean below, your focus is on the mission at hand: finding the mutant Fangfish that has been terrorizing the ports and fishermen.

The playful banter and laughter of your fellow ninja fill the air as you fly alongside each other. Kai's laughter erupts as he passes Lloyd and shows off his dragon.

Lloyd snickers. "Getting ahead of yourself, Kai?" he grins mischievously as he speeds up. "I'm leading this charge." He rushes at Kai.

Kai looks back and gasps, pulling himself out of Lloyd's way immediately. He shields his face with his arms and yelps as he's splashed by the cold seawater. You can't help but grin at the camaraderie of your team.

Jay bursts out laughing at the soaked red ninja. "That's one way to cool off a hothead," he hollers.

Kai looks back at him with a smug smirk. "Hey, no one messes up my hair!"

Taking it as a challenge, you fly above him, your dragon upside down, and ruffle his hair, before flying off to fly beside Lloyd. Your laughter is heard from your tracks, "I second that!"

You and Lloyd race off from each other, both laughing like children. As you both enjoy the moment, you notice a red blur in the corner of your eye, causing you to grin. "Looks like Kai's not giving up that easily," you say to Lloyd.

Sure enough, Kai flies above you, sweeping under your dragon and splashing the water with his dragon wing in an attempt to spray you and Lloyd. But the two of you flew by before it could hit you two, and instead, the Nindroid got a face full of water when he was coming up behind.

Zane spits and coughs up the seawater.

Cole chuckles and flies beside him. "You okay there, Zane?"

Zane gives him a smile. "Affirmative. It'll take more than a little water to take me out."

As the group continues to fly, Jay suddenly spots the Fangfish below. His eyes widen. "Oh, what about a big fish? Incoming!"

Zane looks behind him and screams, "Oh, no!"

The massive creature lunges out of the water, its jaws snapping dangerously close to Zane's dragon's tail. The dragon flaps its wings frantically, trying to gain altitude as the fish continues to pursue them. Zane grips the reins tightly, maneuvering the dragon in a zigzag pattern to avoid being caught by the giant fish.

"There he blows!" Cole yells.

You block the sun from your face as you watch the fish swimming along the surface of the ocean. You whistle. "Now that's a big one."

"P.I.X.A.L. says this is the one."

"And now that he's taken the bait, let's reel him in and get him to the aquarium." Lloyd takes charge and guides everyone to where the boat rests on the sea.

"Let me guess, Kai. You caught one that big once?" Jay asks.

"Heck no. He was twice the size." The Fangfish suddenly lunges at Kai repeatedly as he dodges. "Whoa!"

Jay laughs. "He's almost as hungry as you, Cole."

"And twice as ugly as you, Jay." Cole retorts.

You holler. "Ow! Zane, give Jay some ice. Cause he's gonna need it!"

Everyone but Jay and Lloyd laughs. As the ninja race towards the fishermen's boat, you can feel the wind whipping through your hair and the excitement building in your chest. The sea air fills your lungs and the mist sprays your face as you fly through the air on your Elemental Dragon.

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