Ep 20 - The Stone Army

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At the Destiny's Bounty, the ninja are peacefully sleeping when the alarm clock suddenly starts blaring, waking them up.

(Y/n) whines and pulls the covers over his head, trying and hoping to fall back asleep. Cole shot up from his bed and hits his head on the top bunk, causing him to groan as he cradles his head.

Jay started to wake up and he felt himself strangely sinking. He didn't realize he was at the edge of his bed and about to fall off, "Uh, Aah!" 

He did indeed fall off the bed.

(Y/n) huffs before violently ripping off the covers and speed walk to go and shut off the clock when he felt a sudden object hit the back of his head. He slowly turns around and looks down to see a pillow on the ground and looks up to see the ninja, besides Zane who was asleep, covering their ears and not budging. He knew that it was one of them that threw it so he stares back at the clock and then at the gramophone. I choose violence.

He puts the clock on the disc record and turns on the gramophone, causing it to blare louder. Causing the rest of them to groan but Zane, being a Nindroid, is unaffected by the noise. Seeing that they are now all awake, (Y/n) shuts it off. 

Lloyd rubs his face, "Is it Wednesday already?"

Jay gets off the ground and rubs his head before groaning, "Uh. Sunrise exercise. I hate sunrise exercise."

Wu walks into the room, happily sipping his morning tea, "Ah. Good morning, morning, morning! Up, up. It's a new day, students." He opens the blinds, causing them all to groan as they shield their eyes.

(Y/n) rubs his eye, "How are you so cheerful?"

Wu ignores his question and begins to make his way to the door, "We begin sunrise exercise, I noticed the Dragon made another mess outside. It looks like a two-person job, hehe." He leaves the room and closes the door behind him.  

Cole puts his hand up to his ear, "Uh, what was that, Sensei?"

(Y/n) frantically looks around, trying to come up with an excuse to only result in a terrible one, "Uh, I think I hear the sink running. Imma go check that out."

Kai's and Zane's eyes wander around the room,

"Did I hear an SOS call come in?

"I sense I need to be somewhere else."

Lloyd frowns as he watches the ninja scurry to their drawers and quickly changing into their gi's.

"Lloyd, haha. I'm sure you got this, heh." Jay pats his back before running off with Cole.

Lloyd huffed, "You might've been able to dump chores on me when I was smaller, but I'm grown up now. That's not fair!" He said, making the ninja halt from taking a step outside of the room.

Kai sighs and walks towards the greenie, "You're right, Lloyd. We need to settle this like men. With a round of Rock, Paper, Clamp! Okay, on three! One, two, three!"

Lloyd chooses rock but everyone else chose paper.

Jay and Kai high five each other. Jay then gloats, "Haha, paper beats rock!"

Lloyd groans, "How does paper beat rock?"

"By trapping it, haha!" (Y/n) shouts, running out the door and the rest follow him.

Lloyd just sighs in misery as he drags his feet to his drawer and changes into his gi.


On the rooftop, Lloyd cleaned up the Dragon, wearing goggles. He outstretched the bag as he scrunched up his face, "I always have to do the dirty work."

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