Ep 15 - Pirates vs. Ninja

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Lloyd was punching Kai's hands while the latter wore oven mitts.

Kai nods at the kid's form, "Good, keep it up."

"Ha! Fists of fury! Unh!" Lloyd throws some more punches. "You can't even see 'em move, I'm so fast! Ha!"

Kai lets his hands fall to his side, "Save the gloating. It can only be used against you by your enemy." He advises the Green Ninja.

Lloyd brushes him off, "Oh, please. I'm ready to face whatever you throw at me." And he throws a powerful kick at Kai that throws him backward, his head hitting against a pan and falling on his tail bone.

Kai winces at the pain before shaking it off, "Whoa, grasshopper. You're not even ready to face my pinky toe." He then wiggles his left foot to emphasize his point.

Behind Lloyd, Wu is observing the session, "I see the student has become the teacher. You will learn fast, Lloyd, with lessons from the five- (Y/n), I told you that you'll be sitting this one out until your clear. You should be resting."

(Y/n) shrugs him off, "Oh c'mon Sensei. It's been a couple of weeks and I'm pretty much healed, you can ask Zane for yourself. And it wouldn't hurt just to train Lloyd, it's not like I'm gonna fight. I'll just be doing some target practice with the help of Cole."

Cole nods, "Yeah, we'll just be doing some target practice...on Kai!" Kai's smile turns to a look of horror as he looks at him, causing him to snicker before collecting himself. "And I'll make sure he won't push past his limits."

Wu sighs, "We'll get back to this later, but first," He turns to his nephew. "I don't want you to be late for your next lesson with Nya."

"Aww, but when will I learn Spinjitzu?" Lloyd whines.

Wu meekly smiles at his nephew, "Patience. It will only be unlocked when the key is ready to be found."

Lloyd groans and walks away to meet up with Nya.

"Pfft. Kinda reminds me of someone." (Y/n) glances at a certain someone.

"I wasn't that whiny." Kai retorts.

"No, you were worse." Zane gave an amused smile.

Jay chuckles, "Hehe. Guys, I know we're trying to prepare Lloyd for the future, but it's hard to give him the best training in these conditions."

Cole nods in agreement, "Jay's right. I miss the Destiny's Bounty. Too bad it's gone."

Wu ponders on the idea, "Hmm. I see your point." He faces his students. "Perhaps we could find somewhere else to aid his journey."


Lloyd opens the rooftop door to find Nya on the roof with the Ultra Dragon.

Nya was petting the dragon before hearing footsteps behind her, indicating that her student is here. She turns to face him, "Now that I've given him his medicine, he should be able to fly properly soon. But it's important to take care of him because one day, he'll be yours."

Lloyd was astonished, "Uh, mine. Really!"

"Sure. The elemental Dragons were loyal to the five ninja. But Ultra Dragon, he's meant for the Green Ninja to ride."

Lloyd was blown away, "Whoa! I never knew that."

Nya grins, "See? Even a samurai like myself can teach you a thing or two."

Lloyd's joy washes away once he realized a problem, "But, uh, I don't know how to fly."

"It's all in the legs." Nya points at his legs, causing him to look down at them and chuckle.

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