Chapter Seven

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Yuzu and Mei are standing next to each other at the vast entrance to Aihara Academy. Both are unable to control their hearts from rapidly fluttering. There's no one around except for the few students finishing up on homeroom cleaning duties after everyone have been asked to leave by that familiar PA system Yuzu remembered she once hacked.

"This is where we first met," There's a gentle gleam on Yuzu's eyes. "This is where you frisked me all over." She chuckles.

"If I knew I'd fall in love with that drop-dead gorgeous president that would frisk me that day I would've strapped on another four mobile phones!" Yuzu giggles.

"Come on Mei, let's go inside. We're allowed, right, Seitokaichou?"

She takes Mei's hand and they walk quietly to the lobby, taking in their surroundings. For the first time in years, Mei is a bag of nerves. She is clutching Yuzu's hand tight. She regularly visits the school as Chairman of the Aihara Group, but being here with Yuzu for the first time after so many years– is a different setup altogether.

They take the elevator to the first floor and then walk the long, sparkly-clean hallway, with Yuzu's expression shifting from wistfulness to awe. The academy has been through several facelifts, there are younger, postmodern fixtures here and there, and yet the place still gives off the same authoritative vibe.

"I used to steal glances at you from here," Yuzu smiles, looking out from the steel railing to the expansive lobby. "But there you are, married to your clipboard."

Yuzu allows herself to remember the teenager Mei. Prim and proper and polite. Smartest girl in school. Tremendously beautiful. Yet beneath the calm, dignified veneer is a heart broken into tiny, delicate pieces. Touching that heart, it severely wounded hers. Hurt people hurt people. She smiles at the distant memory of it. Yet sincerely, she'd agree to go through it all again to be here.

Reaching a safe space of growth, wealth and wisdom, she knows she'll never be able to replicate that kind of reckless, soul-crushing love. You only pass that way once, and she's happy to have been allowed to experience it.

They pass by the Student Council room.

"Oops, I am not wearing the correct uniform." She playfully dances about. "I'm sorry, Prez. I think I am invited inside for a scolding."

Yuzu stops at the sight of the familiar long table where Mei used to sit with the other student council members discussing school plans and budget. She had to mature fast, Mei. Forgetting her heart is even broken to begin with, at the breakdown of her parents' marriage, to take on a lot of responsibilities. Yuzu walks up to the extensive windows and gets a sweeping view of the school grounds. Those are the steps where she and Harumin used to sit, discussing her disasters. Mei had to mature fast, so the others can enjoy their youth and discuss disasters.

"And you used to steal glances at me from here, right?" Yuzu teases Mei.

"It's okay, Mei. We're 30. No more playing hide and seek with our emotions."

Mei is bright red and looks like she's swallowed a mouthful of the cafeteria's famous spicy curry.

They go out the hallway and see the sign to the Chairman's office. Yuzu runs to its wide, oak door and she pushes it open. She gives Mei a naughty grin.

"So, this is officially yours now."

They go inside the dimly-lit, imposing room and Yuzu sees the massive leather chair where they used to sit together. It seems the only place that was left untouched by the renovations. The thickset interiors are as they are from all those years ago. The desk is devoid of any clutter. It seemed people rarely spent time here. Yuzu turns to look at Mei.

The tycoon is stood pensive, that pained look on those violets have returned. Yuzu understood the destruction the late Aihara patriarch have wrought upon the young tycoon's life. She remembered the painful years their authoritarian grandfather has spent trying to force-fit a young, unmoored Mei to the Aihara mould.

She gently strokes Mei's arm, and tries to bring back a bit of glimmer to those eyes.

"Just now, perhaps we should've kissed?" Yuzu tries to distract her.

Mei thought she'll suffer heart failure like her grandfather right at that moment.

Yuzu burst out a giggle. "Mei, I'm just messing. Okay, I'm not leaving you here, let's go." She takes the tycoon's hand and leads her out of the room.

Mei is using up all her remaining strength to stay composed.

They pass by their homeroom in their sophomore year. Yuzu slides open the door, and they slowly wander inside. There's specks of afternoon sunlight on the desks. "Mei, this is where you used to sit." The desks smelled of new, polished wood but they are of the same design as the ones they've had.

"And, oh! That's where I used to sit." She points out at the back row, near the window. Yuzu ran to the desk in its place and sat down. She gazes at the familiar trees out the window then turns to look at Mei. "Mei, come on. Let's sit at our desks." Yuzu closes her eyes, raises her arms and excitedly breathes in the surroundings.

"Wow. I missed this feeling. I didn't know I missed this place."

Mei longingly looks at Yuzu. The tycoon slowly drags her feet to the desk Yuzu said she used to sit and pulled out the chair. She reluctantly sat down on it. Yuzu sees the familiar shape of her high school sweetheart with her back turned to her. Mei always sat near the front row. Listening attentively to the teacher. The student council president always gets the correct answers. She has to.

She was a million miles out of her league.

"I still remember the look you gave me from there when I failed my exams and had to take summer classes. You were so worried."

"Thank you for always looking out for me when we were here, Mei."

Tears are streaming down Mei's face. For the first time in years, she's crying inconsolably. Here in this room suddenly stumbling upon the girl she once was. And the girl she's lost. It was brief but beautiful. It felt like a dream. It is her dream. The answer wasn't in any of those books. Her shoulders shook as she's let go.

"I-I'm sorry, Yuzu. I was 17. I got scared."

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