Chapter Ten

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You could hear a pin drop in the expansive, dark cedar-panelled classroom as the rows of children straightened up in their desks in silence after the most esteemed teacher in Aihara Choggaku Kyoto spoke.

"I'm sorry. But no, Nakajima-san, that's not the correct answer." Aihara Mei clears her throat and quickly changed her tone as the young student she called to solve the Math problem on the board, Nakajima Yui, stood overwhelmed looking at those storm-violet eyes.

"That's okay," Mei smiled, reassuring her pupil. "You may take this problem home as your assignment, and you'd show us the answer tomorrow, would that be fair? I know you can do it."

Aihara Mei has learned to forgive herself in the three years that passed but she thought it would take a while to put the ruthlessness of the Aihara boardroom behind her.

"Yes, Sensei. I'll do my best." The young student bowed to thank her teacher.

The school bell rang to signal the end of day's activities. Aihara Mei discussed final intructions with her class for their homework and thoughtfully told them that they may go home. She caught up with Nakajima as the student is about to leave the room.

"Yui-chan, here you go, I made study notes for you so it's easier to follow and memorise the process." Mei smiles as she hands the neatly handwritten reviewer to her student. "If there's anything you don't understand, you can always ask me, alright?"

A smile spread across her student's face. "Thank you, Aihara-sensei." She proceeds to unzip her bag and pulls out a notebook. "I have something for you, too."

Nakajima takes out a page from the notebook and shyly gives it to her teacher. It is a carefully-drawn illustration of Mei hugged by all her students. Something they haven't tried with their disciplinarian, yet kind teacher. Someday, Mei thought. For her young age, her pupil is able to render clean lines and has gotten the anatomical proportions right. Mei sat down on her haunches so she is on eye level with her student.

"Did you draw this?" She smiled. "I think you improved my clothes a lot, thank you."

Nakajima allowed herself a tiny giggle. Mei ruffles up her hair, "We should probably add more art and design classes to this school, to hone your talent. Your parents must be so proud."

The thought of expanding the newly-built middle school to include a creative section for students with special talent thrilled the doting schoolteacher. The idea stayed running in her mind as she was picking up groceries after work to cook dinner in the evening. Aihara Mei knew that not everyone is born to excel academically but are brilliant in many different ways, like her beautiful and talented wife, Yuzu.

"Maybe Yuzu will even agree to mentor young students in her free time," She smiled at the thought, excited with the prospect of the two of them working together again in a school.

"Oh, wait. That woman, she hasn't yet replied to my last message. It's already been an hour!" Slightly disappointed, she scrambled to open her bag to look for her mobile phone. Is she busy chatting with that flirt, Harumi again? I'm her wife, am I not the one she chose? She should be talking more to me. I should be getting more messages.

"Were you saying something, Aihara-sensei?" The middle-aged grocer, Fujii-san is looking at her customer quizzically.

"Ah, no, no. I'm sorry, Fujii-san, I'm away in my thoughts." Mei blushed and quickly tried to regain composure. "If I may ask, which here is the best crabmeat that you have?"

The grocer beamed. "Oh, are you preparing something special for your wife tonight?"

Mei's cheeks turned even redder. "Y-yes. I'm planning to make crab cakes." Even though most of the town knew she's married to a woman, and their relationship has been graciously accepted and appreciated for both their contributions to Kyoto, Mei thought it would take a while getting used to it being discussed in the open.

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