Chapter Nine

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Mei is being briefed her schedule for the day by her personal assistant, Kojima-san, who is sat beside her in the backseat of an Aihara sedan as they are being driven through the roadways of Higashiyama on a business trip to meet with investors. The tycoon has buried herself neck-deep into work recouping all the lost money in the past months. Closing deals here and there with business executives around the country, sometimes even foregoing sleep in overnight trains.

She is looking out the window contemplating the clouds of cherry blossoms above as the vehicle advances through the tree-lined streets of Kyoto. Yuzu still hasn't replied to her messages, or returned her calls. After securing the investment to lead Miura and begin to set up her own brand, she suddenly quit the atelier and left her life in Tokyo to go to Paris to everyone's shock.

"Just when she's about to boss it." Mei shakes her head, mumbling under her breath. She, of all people, is used to Yuzu's whims and reasoning but she can't help but feel a little bit disappointed.

"I'm sorry, Aihara-san?" Kojima-san asks. God, She's talking to herself again.

The car slowed down as it navigated the narrower streets of Gion and drove by a throng of schoolgirls on their first trip to the city. Mei turned her attention to the students and wished their student council president is guiding them safely through the packed and busy streets.

"I'm sorry, but can we stop here for a minute?" She tells the driver.

"Aihara-san, our meeting is at 10am, it's already 9.15." Her assistant politely reminded her.

"I am aware of that. It's just for a minute." She replies.

The driver stops the car at a nearby café and Mei steps out of the vehicle. She joins the multitude of schoolgirls absent-mindedly talking and laughing with their friends. The tycoon begins to inconspicuously guide them safely through the traffic as they cross the intersection of Shijo-dori to Yasaka-jinja. It's a beautiful sun-lit spring morning in Kyoto and there's a sakura storm blowing in from Maruyama Park all about the excited faces.

Mei walks up the steps of Yasaka-jinja and felt the same confusion and distress she felt the first time she was here. Those terrible weeks after Yuzu rejected her on the night she confessed and laid herself bare. I am too old for this feeling, Yuzu. Yet she's thankful that she feels her heart ticking again.

She knew she needed a minute to clear her head or else she's going to end up in the therapist's office again. She pushes forward with the throng of students to the main hall and the Kagura hall. She then stops at the sight of the many beautiful lanterns and makes way for all the students. She ponders the fascinating view for a bit, then proceeds to take out her mobile phone.

She presses on Yuzu's name, and puts the phone on her ear. It starts ringing.

Yuzu isn't picking up. Mei starts walking down a narrow path guided by a line of crimson red wooden lanterns. I'll go back to the car and I'll ask Kojima-san to schedule me a trip to Europe. She presses redial.

A flurry of schoolgirls ran past her excited to see what's ahead the narrow path. "Hey! No running, please." Mei calls out to them in that familiar, strict student council president tone. "Listen, you'll each get your chance to see all of the shrines in the area." She frowns, gesturing with her fingers.

"Okay, Seitokaichou." A familiar voice behind her replied. She nearly dropped her phone.

She turns to look at the direction it came from. She can hear her heart pounding against her chest.


The talented designer is smiling at her, both hands in the pockets of her stylishly sleek, tan leather jacket. A few petals of sakuras in her wind-swept blonde hair. The only sight in the world that can unnerve the ruthless tycoon. Mei felt the urge to run to her and hug her but she quickly restrained herself.

"People said you are in Europe."

"Well, yes. A couple of weeks ago." Yuzu calmly replies.

"I took a few classes, fashion marketing. Analytics. I needed to retool." The designer explains further.

"Yuzu, please." Mei grits her teeth, she can't bear circumventing the important matter. "I know you've already decided but it's not too late. I can convince business heads to reopen the deal. You deserve it. Let's talk about it."

"This is not just some small-time gig you can turn down. This is your life." Mei is on the brink of tears. "The dream you've worked for all these years."

Yuzu smiled and looked at those beautiful pools of violets. "Mei, I've already sold my house, my car, my wardrobe, my shares in several fashion houses in Tokyo. That life is over."

"You know, I come here for a walk every morning."

"I just bought a machiya nearby, with a zen garden that brings light all about the house, it's beautiful. You will love it."

"I knew you'd come here one day, just not this soon." Yuzu lets out a giggle.

"Yuzu, stay with me for a bit, please. This is important." Mei is exasperated as she felt Yuzu is trying to fend off the subject.

"No, Mei. Stay with me."

Yuzu looks up at the intersecting branches of cherry blossoms above them.

"I have a lot saved up. I will set up shop here, set up the brand you want to talk about. The investment, all those numbers may be up in the air, but I have my talent, my imagination. The same heart."

Yuzu can still recognise where her scissors have been on Mei's hair.

"We can start again. I can support you while you set up Aihara Academy or whatever you want to name it."

Yuzu starts to walk towards Mei. The raven-haired executive is trembling, blind with tears.

"I gave up on that perfect, beautiful student council president who broke my heart all those years ago. I know I shouldn't have. But I am now fighting for this beaten up, temperamental– oh promise me you'll apologise to your employees– executive fighting for me, can this be mine?"

Yuzu recognises the unclockable gifts in the formidable business tycoon.

"You are the smartest Aihara, Mei. There's no reason you can't do it all over again. The numbers will keep changing yet you can outsmart them. But you are also selfless, I just saw you guide the students to safety a while ago. I can't bear seeing you wager that heart in a system that is slowly crushing it to pieces and soon render it useless."

"I cannot accept the terms and requirements of that deal. That system. Even Miura-san understood."

For the first time, Mei understood her Dad. Why he stopped being an Aihara. Yuzu actually didn't have to say so much. The executive is about to give her first approval in weeks after shutting down several proposals presented. And she has no doubts it's also the better deal.

"So, please, Mei. Stay with me. Don't go back to that life." There's a good amount of maturity and fortitude in Yuzu's voice.

"I-I have to make a call to some people." Mei stutters in between sobs.

"Is that a yes?"

Yuzu lets out a laugh at the wrong words Mei has managed to assemble. She then reaches out and gently wipes the tears off Mei's flushed cheeks.

The tycoon gently holds Yuzu's hand, pressing it on her lips as her face scrunched up to cry.

"Mei, I need a proper kiss this time. I'm giving you one chance. Please do it properl–"

She pulls Yuzu close to shush her with a kiss.

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