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Days seem much longer and the blazing humid heat is not helping. Fiat tries to find relief from it all under the upcoming building he is helping construct. He greets the others who do the same and wipe down the dripping sweat from his hairline. Fiat downs some water before heading right back to work.

It has been about three weeks since he started and with the large amount of help, the progress has been moving at a quick pace. As for life outside of work, Fiat has spent most of his time off in search for a new place to live. Some days Leo would tag along, other days they had to miss out on seeing each other for schedules were not matching.

The sun begins to set and the workers start to clean up to continue the next day. Just as the night greets them, everyone is either bidding farewell to return to their families or heading out for a meal and a drink.

"My boy! Will you join us this time for a meal? Your only on for another week, right?" One of the elder constructors call out to Fiat. Being polite, Fiat tries to decline, but the others seem just as adamant to have young blood to join their outing.

"I apologize, elders. I will have to take this one for the night. He's being called by a loved one." Fiat's eyes widen as hands clasp onto his shoulders. He turns to find Leo looking over at the elders with a blinding smile. It is as if he had powers to swoon as the elders quickly release Fiat and allow him to leave. Fiat just simply says his farewells until the morning and follows the tall man outside of the construction site.

"You know, you shouldn't be walking around here without a hard hat on," Fiat mumbles as he removes his own and hugs it to his side with one arm. Leo smirks as he glances over at Fiat. Being examined by the former, Fiat feels self aware of his appearance and winces as he runs his hand through matted hair. "Oh gosh, I'm a mess. If you drive, I'm going to make a mess of your car. Please tell me you got a ride over and we take my car or we convoy out of here."

"I got a ride. One of my coworkers had something to do around the area and I asked them to drop me off," Leo grins taking his hand despite his attempts to pull away as it is filthy.

"But you end work early. How long have you been in the area?" Fiat questions as he unlocks his car. He waves at a few of the passing workers as he puts his helmet into his trunk and change out his boots for sandals. His toes wiggle with relief as Leo explains that he had simply gone to a bookstore nearby and spent a couple hours there. They slip into the car after Fiat lays out a towel to cover his seat and wipes his hands from the dirt and grime left over from washing his hands prior. "Did you have somewhere you wanted to go? Have you eaten?"

"Mind having dinner at my place? You can wash up there and borrow some clothes?" Leo turns in his seat while Fiat is doing a double take as he pulls out of the lot. "I just want to let you rest. I bought some groceries yesterday. I can cook for us and all you have to do is eat. Will you let me?"

Fiat gnaws on his bottom lip. It has been months since they've been together, but other than the outside of each other's homes, neither of them had really stepped inside. Leo tries to make it seem simpler than it is and Fiat hums with a small nod. A glance to the passenger seat is enough to know his answer pleases the other. With a bit of a refresher on the roads he needs to take, the couple pulls into the building and Fiat finds a vacant spot for guests. Leo takes his hand and the two of them take the elevator up. Throughout the short ride, Fiat fidgets and Leo gently squeezes his hand reassuringly.

As the doors open, Leo sends him a smile as he tugs him towards the apartment. Leo has been living here since freshman year alone with the initial support of his parents. Now he manages to pay for his rent every month. "You can use the guest room bathroom. It's stocked for when my parents or cousin sleep over. I'll just grab some clothes that should fit you and leave it on the bed. There are towels in the cabinet."

Wingman Gone Wrong | LeoFiatWhere stories live. Discover now