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"You can't go on blaming me for not reaching out anymore. This last month was you canceling on me and you didn't even tell me the progress you've had with P'Chan," Fiat looks at Ann pointedly while returning books to their rightful spot on the shelves. Ann guiltily looks back at him as she leans against the cart and pushes it behind him as he moves to the next section.

"I'm sorry, okay? It's new and I wanted to spend as much time as I could before classes start up again. He's in a different department and at a higher grade than us. Who knows when we would have as much time as we did during break," Ann reasons. Fiat can only sigh as he knows how she feels. This section of classes, the two of them have more classes together, but now he has less classes with Leo. They all share one class together and even Fern is in it. Schedules do not always match up and Fiat's time with Leo has grown slim. "Are you really planning on staying at the beat up apartment?"

Another sigh leaves Fiat's lips. Against everyone's opinions, Fiat chose a closer location in a less than adequate condition. It is cheaper than the other places he found closer to school, but it comes with the price of the living conditions. His reasons were, "It's just a place to sleep in and based on my previous habits, I really only ever sleep or study. I can always study here at the library, so I just need a bed to lay in and a roof over my head."

He is able to keep his market job and even take on a serving job on the weekends at the restaurant at the corner of his street. It's a win if you really look at it. "There's mold on those walls, Fiat. It's as big as the dorm rooms here on campus, but in worse conditions. Do you even have air conditioning?"

"The water is clean and the place is small, so a couple fans is enough to cool the place down. The mold is the size of a penny and isn't even the harmful kind, so if it really bothers me I can just have someone tend to it, but the place is livable," Fiat shrugs. Leo had to bite his tongue and will himself to not just grab all of his things and take it back to his place and away from there. Fiat can tell Leo was trying hard to not make decisions for him and to not force anything. In order to calm him, Fiat promises that if he really has a hard time, he will take up his offer to stay in the guest room until he is able to find a better place. It is the first place he can call his own and while most want their first's to be something to show off, he is trying to be practical for the sake of saving money for the next school year that requires interning and results in less time to work his part times.

"You're impossible, Fiat. Absolutely impossible," Ann mumbles as she quietly follows him around the library. They had a gap before their next class together and Ann decided to spend it with Fiat as she claims to never seeing him outside of their classes. When Fiat's shift finally ends, he helps hold her books and the two of them walk to their classroom. "Oh, before I forget. P'Chan said he wants to hang out after classes. Will you let him know about you and Leo?"

"Do you trust him?" Fiat raises a brow as he holds the door open for her. She purses her lips in thought before giving a decisive nod. "Then sure. If you trust him, then I should trust him too, but if he reacts badly-"

"Then it's over between him and me-"

"He makes you happy, Pip," Fiat sighs as they fall into their seats.

"He won't make happy if he does not accept you. You're my best friend, Fiat. I won't let some guy come between us. I'm not going to just turn my back on you like those useless excuse for human beings that you knew before. Love is love and it shouldn't matter if they go by a he, she, or they. I won't settle for someone who does not agree on that. Even if he's perfect in every other way," Ann clasps a hand over Fiat's and gives it a reassuring squeeze. He turns his hand over to hold hers and returns it. He does not know what he did to deserve Ann, but he is grateful to have her in his life. The duo go through class with a warm feeling inside before stopping outside at the end of it and sharing a parting hug as they split for their next class.

Wingman Gone Wrong | LeoFiatWhere stories live. Discover now