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"Thanks, Ann," Fiat runs a hand through his hair as he huffs and drops his stuff onto the floor as Ann holds out breakfast for him. Everyone was to meet at the parking lot by the bus and wait until everyone arrives or at least ten minutes after meeting time. Fiat squeezed in an earlier errand run with the market in order to have enough time to shower and make it to the meeting time. Fiat sat on a ledge of a planter and enjoyed his muffin. "We'll be in a bus for like four hours. Do you really need to be applying all that?"

"Probably not, but I'm not about to get caught lookin' raw and bare the first day," Ann says glancing at her reflection from a compact mirror. Fiat shrugs not really caring. The pair start loading their bags once the driver opens the compartment at the bottom of the bus. "Just letting you know. I'm taking the window if you're going to sit next to me. I cannot handle long drives if I am not the one driving."

"Don't you want to sit with someone else?" Fiat chuckles tossing in her bag next to his. At the same time another arm reaches in the cabin to place a bag and Fiat glances over and sees one of Ann's friends. He acknowledges her and she gives a stiff smile before pulling Ann away. Fiat sighs as he hops onto his designated bus on his own. Students were scattered all around the bus and he finds a spot in the middle of the lower level. He slips into the aisle seat and places his jacket onto the window seat in case Ann really does sit beside him. Fiat had been distractedly on his phone playing a game when his shoulder got nudged. With his brows knitted together, he looks up to see Ann sliding into the row in front of him with the girl from earlier.

"Will you be good on your own?" Ann asks. Fiat nods saying it was better and he did not have to deal with her talking. She sticks up a finger before plopping down into her seat. With a proud smirk, Fiat looks down on his phone only to spew a silent curse as he saw he lost his game.

"Hey, can I sit here? I'd rather not get mulled at and catch some sleep." Fiat was just about to restart his game when someone approached him. He looks up to see Leo and he nods. "Can I take the aisle? I need the leg space."

"Yeah, of course," Fiat slides over and places his jacket over his lap. Leo slides in and gives a grateful smile in which Fiat returns. "You do well on long car rides?"

"Yeah, I'm alright with them, just want the option to go to sleep undisturbed. You know what I mean?" Fiat nods his head knowing exactly what he means. As he thinks about it now, this was probably a better arrangement. Ann would have talked his ear off until she fell asleep. Fiat was actually feeling exhausted as his mind and body starts to relax. He had his usual late night study session and an extra early morning errand run for those at the market. He probably squeezed in a few hours in between. Just thinking about it made Fiat yawn. "You can sleep too. Not a morning person?"

"Quite the opposite," Fiat chuckles. It was weird that after all of these years he was actually having a 'get-to-know-you' conversation with Leo. "I just had less than normal sleep."

"Ahh. I'm more of a night owl. Thought I wouldn't have made it. Can you let me know if they make any important announcements?" Leo asks as he adjusts himself and places a neck pillow behind him. He did not even wait for Fiat give a response as he shuts his eyes and crosses his arms over his chest. Fiat blinks and quickly leans in to the seat in front of him.

"What the hell, Ann? Why'd he sit next to me?" Fiat whispers to the girl who was looking back at him with excitement.

"Take as many pictures as you can. He looks beautiful sleeping, Fiat. Take the photos." Ann demands. Fiat quickly argues that it was creepy and would not do it. Ann threatens to make his trip hell and pulls away, rolling his eyes. He leans closer to the window and flicker his eyes to the sleeping body beside him. It seemed it did not take long for the tall man to fall unconscious. Fiat takes the time to actually observe him and realizes his height makes him look a lot older. Now that Leo was just sitting beside him asleep, he looked a lot younger. Fiat's eyes hears a clearing of a throat and sees Ann looking at him with pleading eyes. Fiat rolls his and carefully takes a few photos. He checks it and notices that even though Leo had quite full cheeks, he still had prominent facial features. Shaking his head, not knowing why he was focusing on this, Fiat sends the photos over to his friend. Thinking it was enough, he leans his head back just in time for the leaders of the trip to announce their departure. Fiat listens for the small speech before slipping in earphones and falling asleep.

Wingman Gone Wrong | LeoFiatWhere stories live. Discover now