Chapter 10

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Sure enough they were back in school and Harriet was with Neville right now when Hermione called him out.

"Harriet!" Hermione said.

"What?" she asked.

"Hagrid's back." she said.

She looked at Neville then back at the other two.

"Come on."

Then they started running to his hut.

"I'm going to ask you one last time. I'm ordering you to tell me where you've been."

"I told you. I've been away for me health."

"Your health?"

"Yeah you know, a little fresh air."

"If I were you, I shouldn't get too used to being back. In fact, I mightn't bother unpacking at all."

Then she left and the other four went inside.

"This is top-secret, right? Dumbledore sent me to parley with the giants." Hagrid said.

"Giants?" Hermione asked.

"Shh." he said.

"You found them?" Hermione said.

"Well, they're not that hard to find, to be perfectly honest. They're so big, see? I tried to convince them to join the cause. But I wasn't the only one that was trying to win them over."

"Death Eaters?" Harriet asked.

"Yes. Trying to persuade them to join You-Know-Who."

"Did they?" Neville asked.

"I gave them Dumbledore's message. Suppose some of them remember he was friendly to them. I suppose."

"And they did this to you?" Harriet asked.

"Not exactly, no."

Then Fang started barking after seeing Hagrid put steak in his eye.

"Oh, go on, you have it, then, you dozy dog. It's changing out there. Just like last time. There's a storm coming, Harriet. We'd all best be ready when she does."

The next day during breakfast Neville was reading the paper and read about Bellatrix Lestrange getting out of Azkaban.

"Dumbledore warned Fudge this could happen. He's just going to get us all killed if he doesn't face the fact." Hermione said.

Then Seamus appeared and looked at the four of them.

"Harriet. I uh, I wanted to apologize. You know and me mum. What I'm really trying to say is that, I believe you." he said.

A few hours later they were done with Dumbledore's Army for the day when Harriet saw Neville.

"Neville?" Harriet asked.

"Fourteen years ago... a Death Eater called Bellatrix Lestrange used the cruciatus curse on my parents. She tortured them. But they never gave in." Neville said.

Then he looked at her.

"I'm quite proud to be their son."

"Well we can make them proud Neville." she said smiling.

Then she gave him a kiss and they took hands and headed to the common room.

A few days later they were working on the patronus charm.

"Make it a powerful memory, the happiest you can remember. Allow it to fill you up. Keep trying, Seamus." Harriet said.

"Expecto Patronum!"

"A full-bodied Patronus is the most difficult to produce... but shield forms can also be equally useful against a variety of opponents." she said.

"Wow, that was really good." someone said when they saw Ginny's.

"Fantastic, Ginny." Harriet said.

"Just remember, your Patronus can only protect you for as long as you stay focused. So focus, Luna."

"Expecto Patronum!"

Then she got to Neville.

"Think of the happiest thing you can." Harriet said.

"Expecto Patronum. I'm trying." he said.

"Think about the day you asked me to the ball last year, our first date, first kiss, getting close to Ron and Hermione, all that."

Everyone stood there quietly and waited.

Neville nodded, took a deep breath and thought about what she said.

"Expecto Patronum!"

Then to everyone's surprise a stag came out. So Harriet made her own patronus and the doe walked over to the stag. The stag bowed down and the doe did the same thing then they were gone.

Harriet looked at Neville and he looked at her back. She gave him a kiss and smiled.

That's more like it. I wasn't expecting you to have the opposite patronus though." she said.

Then she turned around and looked at everyone else.

"This is really advanced stuff, guys. You're doing so well."

"Expecto Patronum!"

Then they heard something and stopped.

A bit of the door was open and Nigel walked over a bit.

"I'll make short work of this." Umbridge said.

"Bombarda Maxima."

Harriet grabbed him and moved them.

Malfoy pulled Cho out and Harriet frowned.

"Get them!" Umbridge said.

Harriet, Neville, Ron and Hermione were sent up to Dumbledore's office.

"Been watching them for weeks and see, Dumbledore's Army. Proof of what I've been telling you right from the very beginning, Cornelius. All your fear-mongering about You-know-who. ...never fooled us for a minute. We saw your lies for what they were: A smokescreen for your bid to seize control of the Ministry." Umbridge said.

"Naturally." Dumbledore said.

"No, professor. He had nothing to do with it. It was me." Harriet said.

"Most noble of you, Harriet, to shield me, but as has been pointed out... the parchment clearly says 'Dumbledore's. Army,' not 'Potter's'" he said.

"Auror Kingsley. I want you to take Dumbledore to Azkaban." Fudge said.

"Ah, I thought we might hit this little stab. You want me to do, what was the frees, come quietly? Well, I have no attendant of going." Dumbledore said.

"Enough of this! Take him!" Umbridge said.

Dumbledore winked and then Fawkes came while he put up his hands and then he was gone.

"Whoa. Uh, you may not like it minister, but you can't deny, Dumbledore's got style." Kingsley said.

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