Around the world

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So its hard for me to know what Autism is like around the world. I can tell you about the UK and England. But this is where you all come in. By trying to write a character with Autism you are increasing the world view of it. Whether it is a small plot in the story to bigger plot. Wherever you are in the world. This will show us the lives of Autistic people around the world.

So maybe very young children and babies with Autism now. Will be soo proud of your work when they are going to college or university. With all the international platforms Amazon prime, Netflix, and Disney plus. They will scroll on it and not know how excluded they were in Film and TV.

I would love one day to walk into a book store and see a book from another country. I would love to see a section on Autism around the world. Especially World Autism Awareness week(or something similar). Imagine that in Waterstones or WHSmiths. I would love to pick it up, and see what is happening in that part of the world. Imagine snuggling up in bed and escaping to another world. And learn about about the culture. Then an Autistic character gets mentioned!!.

Please add in your Autism experience from around the world in the comment below. I would love to hear them. That's in you want to.

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