Routine please

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Most people like a routine. Like a cuppa in the morning before work. Or the yoga  class you like to go to get away from your household. To us Autistic people we have lots of routines. Like on a daily bases. So if your character really likes Doctor Who on a Saturday night, and their friends are trying to prevent the Apocalypse. And it stated on Sunday and it is now Friday. And he really wants to watch it. Oh the drama and tension!!!.Your readers will hopeful rooting for him to be able to watch it.

It might be the order on how they do their night routine. And think about the order too.

Liz felt something was off. Then it clicked. Her daughter had not said good night to the cat, and  given it a biscuit. This is why she was upset. 

The cat probably was upset with its routine broken too. How dare Liz forget.

We sometimes need warning about changes. Sometimes I change mine and sometimes I don't. I sometimes really look forward to something. Then it has changed. And that can be hard. It can be a bit of tension too to the story. And sometimes form a new routine. 

Imagine being taken to another world and having to deal with it. Like finding your boyfriend is a werewolf, and wants you to join his pack. But you are human and you worry you wont fit in. And will he have a TV to watch your favourite shows. How would you cope?. 

Make sure you remember their routine too. It will be important.

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