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(A/N: So I made a twitter..GO FOLLOW IT PLEASE THE @ is @wonbokii ahem IM SORRY wonbokki I REALLY AM 🙇🏽‍♀️ I understand if you are mad and I will change it if your uncomfy)


They are cute and all..but this is giving me new couple vibes.

Like yeah I was sure Sunghoon would like Jake but this is far more than I expected,

and Heeseung is giving me jealous girlfriend vibes.

Not touching his food, glaring at Jake and Sunghoon every once in awhile.

Niki, Jay, Jungwon, and me obviously feel like we're in the middle of something but Jake and Sunghoon just met and no way they would catch feelings for each other. Not possible but possible.

and please Heeseung, get over him. You're only going to make it harder than it already is for you..

"Hey- uhm Sunghoon try this!" Heeseung said as he held some chicken with fork hoping Sunghoon would eat it off the fork. but he didn't. He grabbed it with his fingers. no indirect kiss for Heeseungie.

"Hmm that's good." Sunghoon said as he wiped the side of his mouth. "Sunghoon you missed a spot." Jake said as he pointed on the side of his lip to show Sunghoon where he missed. "Did I get it?" Sunghoon asked as he stared into Jakes eyes.


A whole sunset

his eyes are so pretty

and why do I feel like someone is glaring at me?

I turn head in the direction of Heeseung to catch him quickly looking away from me. Was he glaring at me? I decided to ignore it for now. "Can you wipe it off for me?" I asked Jake since I kept missing it. He just nodded and grabbed a napkin to wipe off the sauce. He looks so much more beautiful up close. How in the hell?

I just met this boy and I'm already whipped. This doesn't make sense.

"You could've pulled out your phone and looked in the camera to get it..?" Jake said as he balled the napkin up and threw it in the trash. "Eh, too much work when you're right next to me and even told me that I had it there." I said as started to eat my food.

Listen as the most stable person in this friend group I have ships. Firstly, Sunki. Sunoo and Niki, they're still minors but the top is obviously Niki. No matter how you put it. Then we have Jaywon, Jay being the top obviously but they are still minors so no nasty business. Then again Jay is older than me. I don't ship Heeseung with anyone though, I don't find him to fit with anyone. He said me and him are like the parents of the group but I don't agree I feel like Jaywon are.

"Sunghoonie? You're zoning out." Heeseung said as poked my cheek. "Sunghoonie" that's a cute nickname but I don't really like it coming out of Heeseungs mouth why is that..? "S-Sorry just thinking about the competition..we didn't even stay long enough to see if I won or not." I said as I started poking at my food. "We all know you won and you don't care about the trophies or metals I don't know what you get. You have us! We are your prizes for doing such a good job!" Sunoo said as he started clapping.

"If that's the case I'd like this prize every time I win." I said as I spared a glance at Jake. You know what love at first sight is? I never believed in it but maybe I do now? Even so I don't want to rush things and what if Jake isn't even interested in me?

"Sunghoon..? Did you want the metal that bad?" I turn my head towards Jake to see him trying to contain his laughter. "Maybe I did." I pouted. I never pout, unless Sunoo asks me too but never ever. I find pouting annoying but I guess I'll do it for Jake even if he didn't ask. "Omg we can go back and get it if you want? Or do they give it to the second place person if first place doesn't show up?" Jake said as he giggled. That was a sight that made me stop pouting and smile, he's precious. "How are you so sure I got first?" I ask Jake. At this point we're whispering to each other since our other friends seem to be in a deep conversation excluding us. "It's quite obvious, and if they didn't then I don't know what the judges were looking for..." Jake said as he held out a piece of chicken for me that was too spicy for him. I gladly ate the piece off of his fork because why not? "Wow that chicken is spicy.." I said as I used a cup of water to try and calm down the spice.

"Want me to get you a cup of milk? It helps.." Heeseung stuttered as he looked at me with worried eyes. It's just spicy chicken why so worried? "I'll be fine don't worry about it.." I said as I drunk more water. "No Heeseung is right milk works. Stay he I'll get you a cup." Jake says as he gets up from his seat to get me a cup before I could even stop him.


Jake is just a sweetheart. He isn't trying to make Heeseung jealous or take his ideas. He's just helping out. Heeseung's aura is just giving hatred and jealousy. He can't be mad at Jake though. They're bonding and he should be happy he's seeing Sunghoon look so happy.

"I'm backk~" Jake says as he walks up to the table slowly trying not to spill the milk. "Why'd they give you so much?" I ask. "I'm not sure..I asked for half a cup but they gave me a full cup. If you don't drink it all Sunghoon I will, the taste of milk is good." Jake said as he handed Sunghoon the cup. "Alright thank youu~" Sunghoon said as he started chugging the milk drinking every last drop. "I- I was sure you'd at least leave him half the cup.." Jungwon said as he stared at Jake who was looking sadly at the cup since he wanted some of the milk. "He said "If" I don't drink it all and I like the taste of milk too. But thank you Jakey for the milk." Sunghoon said as he petted Jakes head.

Jakey? Head Petting? Oh wow he's taking this quite fast but they look cute.

I'm sure that's what Sunoo, Niki, Jungwon, and me are thinking right now. You could tell Jake was happy, whenever any of us tried petting him he would swat our hands away but nope not for Sunghoon. He just leaned into the petting. I took a glance at Heeseung to see him looking down at the ground.

We tried warning you hyung, you need to give up on him when he already said no...





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