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(Wow- this was a weird but short ass fanfic </3 watch when I re read it I'm not going to like it, anyways enjoy the Jaywon part then we'll go back to the main story MWHAHA)


Maybe I should confess?

But are we really being lovey dovey?

I don't think so I just think we're being affectionate to each other..

I'm not sure..

"Jay hyung? Why not take us to the roof top where we usually go?" Jungwon asks me as he looks up at me. "Well I already know when Sunoo and Niki left that Niki took them there. They are probably talking things out.." I said as I started walking towards a empty classroom. "Hmm ok~" Jungwon sung as he clung to me tighter then he already was. Sunoo tells everything to Jungwon and Niki tells everything to me. Heeseung and Jake don't get any of the tea unless we end up accidentally telling them.  Sunghoon just finds out through Sunoo, they're cousins after all.

As I walked into the empty classroom I locked both doors and placed Jungwon down on a desk. "Soo~ why'd you bring me here?" Jungwon asks as he starts playing with my hair since I rested my head on his chest. "I- I don't know.. just want to be alone with you and only you." I said as I hugged his waist. "Jayie? are you sad? What's wrong~" Jungwon asks as he cups my face. "Did you mean what you said about me in the cafeteria?" I ask as I try to stop the tears from falling. I am in love with Yang Jungwon and there is no doubt in my heart that I'm not. "Of course I meant what I said. Why wouldn't I?" Jungwon asks as he pushed me down onto a chair and sits on my lap resting his chin on my shoulder. "You know what happened last time.. I don't want it to happen again.." I whispered as I hugged onto Jungwon tighter, as if he was going to slip through my hands.

"Jay. I would never do anything like that to you. I get you have trust issues now because of her but trust me. I love you and only you." Jungwon states as he looks me straight in my eyes. "p-promise?" I mumbled as a few tears started falling down my cheeks.

She broke me.

of course I'm scared but I want to be with him.

"Awe~ Jay I promise now stop crying.." Jungwon says as he starts wiping my tears. The real reason why we never confessed to each other is because I was afraid. I didn't want my heart to get broken but I knew I wanted..no needed Jungwon. "I love you." I said as I pull him into my chest. "I love you too." He giggled. "We get it you both love each other now get out of my class." Our little cute moment was ruined when we turned around to see a teacher and all his students behind him with there phones out taking pictures or recording us.

"OH FUCK YOU! You ruined their beautiful moment."

"I've always hated this teacher now I hate him more."

"Get out they were finally happy"

"Go suck your own dick!"

"Hey that's too far! But yeah go do it!"

All the students started yelling and throwing their books at there teacher for interrupting us. We both giggled and sneakily sneaked out of the classroom. "How'd he even get in I locked the door.." I mumbled asking myself. "He probably had a key Jay hyung.." Jungwon said as he tapped my shoulder. "True, but I never heard the bell ring.. oh well! Will you be my boyfriend Jungwon." I asked as I looked him in his eyes. I knew it was straight forward but I needed to tell him somehow right? "Of course I will!" Jungwon yelled as he threw himself onto me. We both were giggling with the biggest smiles on our faces.

We were happy, and we still are.


AHEM I LIKED THIS CHAPTER! The next chapter will be the last one and it might be a bit short or rushed not really sure



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