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(Sorry I was gone for a few days but happy late Sunki day </3 sadly we've been getting sunki crumbs)


I know we're not together but I was wrong for that..

He was just making sure I was ok but instead I lashed out on him..

Now here I am with my fingers intertwined with Sunoo's after I dragged him to the rooftop

To apologize for being an idiot.


"Niki..are you sure you're ok? you haven't been answering my messages, calls, or anything in that fact.." Sunoo asked as he stood in front of my door looking winded. He must have walked or ran here but his house is so far from mine..

"I'm fine. Go home it's dark and late." I said as I was about to close the door but Sunoo stoped it with his hand. With state I was in I had no strength to fight back and try to close the door.

"You're not ok. Let me in I'll help you..." Sunoo said as he waited for me to let him come in. I don't need his help.

"Unoo..go home. I don't need you." I said carelessly eyeing Sunoo. He visibly gulped and continued to try to talk to me.

"I'm going to ignore what you just said. I'm going to help you." Sunoo stated as he looked me up and down. At this point he was getting on my nerves.

"Go home. I said I'm perfectly fine I don't need your help." I shouted. Sunoo flinched visibly and out of instinct he backed away from me.

"B-But I want to help. You never go just go missing for a whole week and if you do you tell us but still message me.." Sunoo said as he looked at me with a shocked faced because I yelled.

"SUNOO! I DON'T NEED YOUR FUCKING HELP! It'll be useless anyway.. go the hell home." I yelled as I slammed the door on him, not even bothering to look back for a reaction.

Oh how much I regret that, I could hear his sobs right after I closed the door and right when I opened it to try and apologize he was already gone..

-End of Flashback-

"Su-" I was going to continue until I was cut off. "If you dragged me here to apologize I don't want to hear it." Sunoo said as he snatched his hand from mine and crossed his arms. "Please, let me explain." I begged, I needed to fix this. He's the love of my life for fucks sake. "Explain what?! There is nothing to explain. You lash out on me for wanting to help you and then 2 days later you want to apologize? During those 2 days you even acted like nothing happened." Sunoo shouted as he stomped his foot and his eyes were getting glossy.

Please don't cry.

Let me explain.. please..

If you cry I won't be able to swallow my emotions anymore..

"Unoo please.. just let me tell you. Even if you don't care I just want to try and make up for my dumbsss behavior." I pleaded as I looked Sunoo in his eyes. I could tell he was pissed off but felt bad at the same time. "Fine..go ahead. Let me hear what's so important for you to explain." Sunoo said as he pulled me and him towards a bench and sat down.

"Ok so basically, my mom had called me telling me I may need to go back to Japan soon but I didn't want to because I didn't want to leave the life I had here. She said I had a big chance with a really big dance group that I've wanted to join since I started dancing so she made choose. Here or my dream. Of course it was hard and I was stuck thinking so I just ignored everyone so if I did choose my dream you guys wouldn't know I left and would most likely forget about me.." I said as fiddled with my fingers.

"So what'd you choose?" Sunoo asked as a few tears fell down his face. I was about to fly over to him and give him a hug until he put his hands up to block me. "No don't try to comfort me, because if you're leaving I don't want your hugs." Sunoo said as he started wiping the tears that kept falling from his eyes.

I have to tell you.

I can't keep it secret any longer..

I hope I don't regret this.

"I chose to stay." I said as I see Sunoo's head fly up and he looked at me with a shocked face. "B-But your dream? You could've been in the dance group and-" I cut him off as I pull him into a hug. "I stayed for you Unoo. I stayed because I love you and I need to let you know that." I said as I rubbed circles on his back since he fisted my shirt and started balling his eyes out.

"F-for me? Why lose the opportunity on your dream for someone like me? I'm sure you would've found someone better back in Japan." Sunoo said as he pushed me away and wiped his tears aggressively. "Why would I chose anyone other than you when you're my happiness? Without you I couldn't live another day.." I said as I crouched down oh my knees and looked Sunoo in his eyes.

"I love you and only you."

"I love you too ni-ki.."

"Call me Riki.."

"Riki..that sounds nice.."

After a good 15 minutes of calming Sunoo down and repeatedly telling him I love him since for some reason he couldn't believe me. "Does this mean I'm forgiven for lashing out on you like the idiot I am?" I ask as I pet Sunoo. "Yes, you are forgiven but what are we now?" Sunoo asked as he looked up at me with puffy eyes from crying so hard. I was so hard not to squish his cheeks right then and there. "Whatever you want to be. But I want to be with you no matter what." I said as I looked back into his eyes. "I want us to be together. A couple." Sunoo stated as he leaned in close to me. "Anything you'll like.." I said as I leaned in closer too.

Obviously we kissed, and it was AMAZING! His lips felt so soft and they were a perfect fit with mine. I knew this man was my soulmate, the love of my life. "Promise me you'll never leave me?" Sunoo randomly asked as he buried his face into my chest.

"I'll never leave you no matter what circumstances are unoo."


HII- UH SORRY FOR BEING GONE FOR A LITTLE BIT </3 I was sort of busy but now I'm back! Tomorrow I may or may not update but I'll try and I might just work on the next part tonight. I'll work on the Jaywon fanfic soon


Period changbin

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Period changbin. Seungmin did you so good <3


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