Chapter 17

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(No One's POV)

Y/N woke up the next morning already packing her stuff together. She let Lauren sleep not wanting to wake the peaceful looking girl. Once Y/N was done packing she leaned against the wall and looked at Lauren, studying her. Though the girl did look peaceful sleeping, Y/N's hands subconsciously began to clench due to the purple/black eye and other bruises that were scattered amongst Lauren's face and body.

Y/N felt guilty. She felt like she was the cause of Brad's actions. Y/N couldn't take it anymore. She pushed herself off the wall and next to Lauren on the bed. Y/N wouldn't be stupid enough to give her some of her blood, that would only happen in the most dire circumstances. But Y/N could take her pain away. She was determined even though she knew it would cause her pain she didn't care, especially not when it came to Lauren.

Y/N looked upon the sleeping green eyed beauty once again. She pushed a strand of hair out of the girls face. She slowly took Lauren's hand and began to take away her pain. The veins on Y/N's arms, neck, hands, and eyes turned a dark black. Not even a full two seconds into the process Lauren began to stir, the effects already taking place. Lauren opened her eyes upon feeling so much lighter, in talks of pain.

She turned to Y/N and noticed her eyes were closed and all the veins on her body were a dark black. She looked like she was in pain. Lauren snatched her hand away coming to the conclusion that somehow, Y/N was taking her pain away.

Lauren touched Y/N's face gently wanting to see her. "Look at me, don't be scared." Lauren whispered slightly. Y/N's eyes opened, the black veins protruding underneath her blood red eyes. "You're beautiful." Was the only words Lauren could comprehend before she slowly moved closer to Y/N, her hands going to the back of the Tribrid's neck.  Y/N slowly moved her hands to Lauren's waste. While leaning in to each other, Y/N's supernatural features began to disappear. By the time that the two met for a kiss the Alpha's features had vanished.

The kiss was slow, they both just liked to know the other was there. Then as soon as it started it began to get faster. Lauren squealed when Y/N grabbed her by the back of her thighs and sat her on her lap. It got heated fast and out of nowhere Lauren began grinding into Y/N. Y/N groaned upon the contact they were receiving from each other, but the Alpha soon came to her senses.

"Stop." Y/N breathed out just barely above a whisper. Lauren immediately upon request stopped her actions, her breaths were ragged. Y/N looked into Lauren's eyes. "I want to I really do, but I don't think it's time, not here and not now." Lauren smiled lovingly at Y/N. To Lauren it showed that Y/N intentions weren't to take advantage of her. It made Lauren feel safe. With a simple nod, Lauren pecked her and they both cuddled up to each other basking in one another's company.

Though their peace and quiet unfortunately didn't last very long due to a knock downstairs. Usually a regular know, to a human, is unheard from upstairs. But the knock was so hard that even Lauren heard. Y/N got up cautious to whoever it might be. She made her way downstairs to the door, her pack, exited their rooms upon hearing the over excessive door knock as well. Y/N opened the door and was met with a sight to see.

Elijah fell into Y/N's arms, his strength giving up. Also outside, stood the Alphas aunt Rebekah holding up a blood stained Uncle Kol. "Help them!" Y/N shouted and just as soon as she said her words, her pack used their superhuman speed to help Rebekah and Kol into the house. Y/N laid Elijah onto their couch trying to give him room to lay upon. Once she laid him down, she ripped open his already mangled clothes to check for any injuries. Once finalizing he was okay, she let the man resend turned to Kol and Rebekah.

Kol was, like Elijah, passed out on their other couch. He had a stab wound that was bleeding profusely and it wasn't healing. "He was stabbed with some of the last white oak stake." Rebekah announced out loud wanting to explain what happened to her brother as best she could. She was leaned over trying to catch her breath. Y/N ran to Kol and ripped open his shirt. The wound was infected with tiny splinters of the white oak stake. Y/N knew that if she didn't get them out soon enough the infection could potentially lead to her uncles death.

The process was a painful one and Y/N was in for a ride. Quickly she turned to her pack. "Get me the tweezers, vodka, a medal rod, and a blood bag." Hurriedly her pack ran around trying to attain the equipment their Alpha ordered. "Justin help me move him to the kitchen table." Justin immediately came to his sister and they both picked up their Uncle carefully not wanting to cause more pain than necessary.

In the background, Lauren watched how Y/N became a fierce and demanding leader to her pack. Lauren knew nothing of what was happening and she was pretty sure no one else knew anything either. She wanted to give Y/N as much room as possible to do her work she stayed behind to look at the man that Y/N placed on the couch. She passed the woman that came in with the two men, Kehlani, Crystal, and Luke. The three of them were trying to aid the blonde woman to every extent. 

Lauren pulled up a chair next to the sleeping man. She noticed he was one of the men in the picture she had saw in Y/N's room. She didn't know about the other two who had shown up with him, but she was sure they were all related. She watched as the man breathed in and out. Even in his sleep he looked tired, as if he was truly battling demons.

Once supplied with everything Y/N quickly moved her uncles hands above his head and grabbed the metal rod. Easily Y/N bent the rod so it would fit around his wrists, binding them together. "Calum and Reese hold his arms down. Tyler and Shawn hold his legs. Justin hold his chest. This will be extremely painful for him, but during the process we can't let him move or the pieces of white oak can get deeper into his cuts. Don't let him move, understood?" All five werewolves nodded their heads knowing their task.

"Okay, I'm going to put the vodka be ready." They immediately held the original down. Y/N poured the vodka on the would wanting to wash anything that could infect it off. Almost simultaneously Kol yelled in agony, trying to move from the restraints of the other supernatural creatures holding him down. "Selena, Dinah, and Camilla make a tonic for after I'm done. Luke come help hold him down!" Y/N shouted frustration radiating off of the Alpha. The Wolves listened to their alpha going to do their designated task.

Lauren watched from where she sat, quite shaken up from the events occurring before her.

Y/N grabbed the tweezers and began picking out the small pieces of wood that was in her Uncle. Her Uncle Kol's screams only getting louder. Eventually, Y/N was successfully able to remove all price of white oak from Kol. Camilla handed the tonic to her Alpha, Y/N nodding in appreciation. She steadily rinsed the tonic over the wound and it slowly began to heal. Y/N sighed in relief. She then opened the blood bag and handed it over to Justin.

"Feed it to him slowly, he's gonna need it." Justin nodded. "Get Rebekah a blood bag Hope." Hope nodded and ran to get a blood bag for her aunt. Hayley now sat in the spot Lauren before occupied. She watched as Elijah took slow steady breaths in and out. Tears formed in the hybrids eyes upon seeing her husband in such an exhausted state.

Y/N then walked up to Lauren. "Are you okay?" Y/N asked knowing this could be hard to experience. Lauren nodded quickly, not really worried about herself but the woman that stood in front of her. "Yeah I'm fine, are you?" Y/N sighed out, her hand ran down her face. "I'll be fine once I find out who did this to them." With that Y/N kissed Lauren's head and walked over to Rebekah.

Her aunt held her third blood bag to her lips sucking the thick liquid in. Hope was next to her aunt making sure she was okay. Y/N placed her hand on Rebekah's shoulder.

"What happened?"


AN: It's been so long you guys, wow. Here's a chapter for you guys. I'm really sorry for not updating but man I'm excited for this book. Kind of a cliff hanger so wait for next chapter. I really appreciate you guys, stay safe!!


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