Chapter 2.

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(Y/N's POV)

Once we walked into the school a whiff of trash smacks my face. I looked at my pack their face showing the same face of disgust. See because we're werewolves we smell almost everything. The farts, the bathrooms (it's even worse inside it), bread. No it's not random. Bread Simpson. This guy tries to look and act his best but how can he do that when he smells like shit. I'm not playing like litteral actual shit. It's very disturbing to be honest. My thoughts were cut off by Luke, my third in command. "Do you all have your schedules?" "I don't," everyone said. "How is it you all don't have your schedules but I do? I'm very confused," I said. "Well you might be lazy but we are too," Camila said. "Well uhh Justin go make sure everyone has their schedule, then go to first hour," "Alright," my second in command said.

I watched as they all went down the hall. In the direction of the front office. I sighed to myself. I looked at my schedule. Heading to my locker. I finally found it and opened it up. I placed my other books in it. I looked at my schedule. First hour gym. I put all my books in my locker and left for the gym.
(Lauren's POV)

As we were about to leave, we saw a big group with boys and girls walking right towards us. They stopped right in front of us. "Excuse me," said a guy with dyed blonde hair. I turned around and noticed I was standing in the way of the office door. "Right I'm so sorry I didn't even notice I was blocking the way in," "It's fine girl," one of the girls said. She came up to me and extended her hand. "Hi I'm Selena," I mentally thanked god I don't wanna start anything on the first day of school.

"Oh hi, my name is Lauren," I said remembering we were having a conversation. "You three are the new girls everyone's talking about aren't you?" she said smiling. "I guess so," I said. "Umm these are my best friends Normani and Ally," I said introducing then to each other. "Hi it's nice to meet you Ally and Normani. These are my friends Reece, Tyler, Crystal, Luke, Calum, Dinah, Camila, Shawn, Daniel, Kehlani, and this is my boyfriend Justin," she went through them all one by one. They all shook our hands in the process. "We were just about to get our schedules maybe you would like to hang out before first hour starts," she said. I looked to Normani and Ally. They seemed down for it so I nodded my head. "Great we will get our schedules give us a moment," then they walked into the front office. Surprisingly they didn't take long at all maybe 3 minutes.

"Wow that was fast!" Ally said astounded by there speed. "Yeah we always like to stay moving," the guy that I know as Reece said, we smiled. "So were are we off to?" Normani said. "Well why don't we show you a tour of the school so you won't be lost or anything," the tall blonde Dinah said with a wink at the end, making Normani blush. I giggled at the action. "Yeah we would not want to get lost. This school is humongous," I exclaimed. "Then off we go," Tyler said grabbing a hold of Crystal's hand.

By the time they ended the tour and showed us all the classroom's that I am most likely gonna forget, it was 7:57. "Well the bell is at 8:00 so we have to go, I hope you can sit with us at lunch though," Selena said. "We would love to!" Normani said so fast you could barely understand her. Dinah somehow heard and said "Great we'll see you there," They all walked away looking like badasses. So the girls and I said our goodbyes and I headed to my first hour; which is Science.
(Camila's POV)

"Well well Dinah I see you" I said smirking at her. She laughed and said "What do you mean?""I see you."" She looked at me waiting for an answer. "Don't think that wink you gave to Normani didn't go unnoticed," my smirk growing wider. "I don't know what you're talking about," she said trying her hardest not to blush, but still coming out like a red tomato. "Yeah okay whatever floats your boat Dinah" I said looking away and entering our first period. We sat down and she still was blushing. I chuckled to myself. The bell rang signalling class has started. So I quickly payed attention to the board up front.
(Y/n's POV)
I told my pack 6th period before lunch that I was gonna go to the gym instead of lunch. They all told me that was fine, and that they'll call if they need anything. As I was making my way to the gym. I saw Brad walking towards. "What do you want you roach" I said not talking my eyes away from him and his gang that was coming from all directions. Tristan his first in command stood behind me. Then Connor. They eventually all made a circle around me blocking all exits.

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