Chapter 19

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(No Ones POV)

"The What?" Lauren asked, never once hearing of that school. Justin sighed and motioned with his head to follow him. "The Salvatore Boarding School. Y/N, Hope, and I went there right after our parents died." Justin's voice dropped thinking back to the raw memories he had after the sad events. Lauren just nodded.

"It's a school for the supernatural. You know, witches, werewolves, vampires. It's a place where they can be safe and learn how to control their abilities." Lauren never even knew about there being another school in Mystic Falls, let alone that it was a school for the supernatural. "The headmaster is Alaric Saltzman. He's a good man, he knew my father. Though, he tried to kill him on more than one occasion."

Lauren's head quickly turned to look at Justin. "Why would he do that?" Justin laughed at her surprised state. "My father was not the most loved man in this world, actually he was probably the most hated." Justin said a smile on his face. "What do you mean?" Lauren asked still confused on what he meant.

They had already gotten to his car and they both sat down. Justin was driving, he started the ignition. "My father, his siblings, and their father were called the Originals." Justin began to reverse out of the driveway the other cars following his actions. "They called them the Originals, due to them being the first vampires to ever live. My grandmother was a witch, she created them after my uncle Henrik died as a child. He was killed by a werewolf."

Lauren listened to Justin explain the whole backstory not wanting to interrupt, just wanting to listen. My grandmother and Mikael, took his death quite hard. To protect the others my grandmother turned all her children into vampires including her husband Mikael." Lauren was confused though, how did Y/N's dad become a hybrid. "How did your father become a hybrid if there were no other hybrids alive.

"Well it was later found out that Esther, my grandmother, had an affair with another man. Mikael was not Niklaus' father. The other man Esther had an affair with turned out to be an alpha from a pack of wolves. The same pack that killed Henrik. My father hadn't triggered his werewolf curse yet, because he hadn't taken a life. So it laid dormant until he became a vampire. He lost control and killed a man due to his thirst. When that happened his curse triggered and he officially became the first hybrid to ever live." Lauren was amazed.

She didn't think supernaturals really lived let alone she would be talking to the son of one the first vampires and the first hybrid.

"My father and his family had power. My father loved his power. He did many wrong things to make sure he always had that power. Alaric was one of the men that hated that power. My father made many mistakes, but he made up for them by the time he passed." Justin lowered his head sadly while they were at a red light.

"Many people probably saw my father as a monster, and don't get me wrong he was. But, when his children were born he gave up the things he held dearly, for us. People hold grudges though, so we never really had peace. Peace didn't really matter though, because we had each other. Always and Forever." Lauren held a sad smile and took ahold of his right hand.

Justin looked over to Lauren and saw the sad smile that adorned her face, he squeezed her hand gently so she would know he appreciates the gesture.

The ride to the Salvatore boarding school wasn't long at all, and the whole pack arrived at the same time. Justin exited the car to go help carry his Uncles inside. Lauren slowly opened the door, while admiring the beautiful school.

Camilla steps in front of Lauren, gaining her attention. Camilla smiled and held out her hand for Lauren to grab. "Come on, you can see how amazing it is on the inside." Lauren nodded her head, suddenly excited.

The pack carried Elijah and Kol into the house safely, Rebekah not far behind. She wanted to stay with her brothers at all times, especially due to all the history that has happened in this house. A man with a flannel and jeans comes walking up to the group of originals and werewolves, two girls following close behind. Justin walked up to them and they all hugged individually. You could see that they respected each other and cared for one another.

Justin and the man parted last. Justin turned around to his family. "Do you think we can get these three some rooms to rest. As you can see they're pretty beat and they need it." Alaric nodded his head. "Of course, whatever you need you got it. Now, what happened?" The two girls that Justin hugged minutes ago walked over to the pack exchanging greetings, while the hybrid told the man everything that he knew.

The blonde girl turned to Lauren with a quizzical face. "And who's this?" She asked a little loudly trying to get one of the pack members to answer. The brunette girl turned her head and looked at Lauren, the two making eye contact and holding it. Lauren broke the eye contact feeling uncomfortable.

"That's Lauren Jauregui. She's with Y/N." Luke spoke turning to the blonde. Lizzie looked over surprised. "What do you mean with?" The brunette said finally speaking up. When Luke heard that he stayed silent, knowing the confusing past between Y/N and the witch.

The blonde put her hand out to Lauren offering a hand shake. "My name is Lizzie Saltzman." She smiled widely trying to be as nice as she could. Lauren slowly reached her hand out and shook the girls hand. "My name's Lauren."

The brunette didn't make a move to introduce herself, not after hearing Luke. Lizzie sighed and ran to Josie pulling her directly in front of Lauren. "This is Josie Saltzman, my sister." All Josie did was smile slightly and nod her head. The girl then walked over to her father not liking the already awkward situation.

Alaric turned to his daughter. "Perfect timing. I need you to do a spell."


AN: Hey guys. So here's an update. Like I said I'm going to keep trying to update as much as I can. So enjoy and stay safe!


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