Chapter 6

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(Lauren's POV)

I look at Y/n after she answered Camila. I could tell there was something wrong with her. I decide to speak up and ask her.

"Are you okay?" I ask her she just looks at me coldly. Which is odd she than speaks up and says "I'm fine." I look at her a little surprised by how mean she sounded. "Are you sure? Because-," before I could even finish she interrupts and yells "I said I'm fine!" I look at her taken aback completely. Everyone is looking at her because of her outburst.

Dinah nudges me and silently tells me to leave her alone. I then go back to my conversation with Kehlani and Normani. I don't really pay attention though my focus currently being occupied by Y/n. Did I do something? Maybe she's just mad because of the whole thing with Brad this morning. Yeah that's probably it.
(Y/n's POV)

Last period has finally came around and I honestly just want to run out of here now. There's no use though the bell is about to ring in like- now. My thoughts are cut off by the bell. I hurriedly grabbed my book bag and leave the class room, me being the first one out.

I make my way to the parking lot. I see the pack, Lauren, Ally, and Normani by our cars already. Fuck. I forgot I had taken Lauren to school today. Like always my heartbeat unintentionally starts beating faster as Lauren and I make eye contact. She then smiles at me I look at her with a blank face and get in my car.

I know the pack noticed I didn't even say hi to them. I sigh and start my car. I can see Lauren is visually contemplating whether she should get in or not. I turn the passenger side window down. "Are you coming or not?" I look at her with an uninterested face. She slowly nods and opens the door. She says bye to everyone then gets in.

She cautiously puts on her seat belt eyeing me as I start the ignition and take the shift out of park. I reverse out of the space and make my way out of the school parking lot. I then make my way to Lauren's house. As the music is slowly playing in the background I make a stop at the red light. I then look at Lauren.

All I can say is wow. She is probably the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my life. Her eyebrows are so perfectly defined and shaped. Her lips plump but not to the point where it is overwhelming. Her nose so small but so cute. The freckles on her nose only makes it cuter. And don't even start me on her eyes. I have admired the woods for so long because it's like my home. When I look into her eyes I see the woods and I think that is why it's so hard to stay away from her.

As I'm still admiring I didn't notice that the light had changed green. I then heard a honk and I quickly look away. Great going dumbass not only did she catch you looking at her but now you're fucking blushing. I don't dare to look at her again I stay focused on driving.

"Hi Y/n." she says looking at me. My heart glitters at the way my name come out her mouth. "Sup." I say trying to sound and act like I wasn't just caught staring at her.

"Why are you acting that way?" She says confusion in her voice. "In what way?" I say acting like I don't know what she's talking about.

"You were just staring at me and now your acting like I make my you uncomfortable," a look of hurt in her eyes. I sigh why does me ignoring her have to be so fucking hard. I don't know how to reply to that so I just look at her then back to the rode and stay silent.

"Do I make you uncomfortable Y/n?" She asks grabbing my right hand off the steering wheel and playing with the many rings I have on my fingers. I sigh once again but don't take my hand away loving how soft her hands are. I look at her and say "No Lauren you don't make me uncomfortable. She slowly looks at me and nods. "Good." Fuck why does she have to make me feel this way.

The Wolves (Y/n x Lauren) (GIP!/you)Where stories live. Discover now