Glass in the Studio

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Alex injures himself before your date which means that it's a trip to A&E instead of a restaurant. 

"Miles you really are a fucking idiot

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"Miles you really are a fucking idiot." Alex rolls his eyes as he crouches down on the floor to pick up the now smashed Coke bottle.

"I think you're the idiot mate. You couldn't catch a bottle from four foot away." Miles shakes his head.

Alex looks up at his best mate as if he's stupid, and also chuckles a little in disbelief, "Why would you throw a half empty bottle at me from four foot away when you could have just passed it me?"

Miles mumbles something under his breath that Alex didn't quite hear as he starts picking up the glass. There were quite a few large shards that acted as bowls for the smaller shards to sit on as Alex continued to collect the glass from the studio's wooden floor.

The fluorescent lights that were lighting up the room were making it pretty hard for Alex to actually see the smaller pieces of glass because they blended in with the glossy floor beneath him. However, Alex thought he did quite well with what glass he'd already collected so he asked his best mate to pass the bin over.

This is something Miles does for his friend, but he's still in a weird mood that the both of them get into when they are in the studio together. So Miles extends the small bin in his hand towards his best mate, but when Alex goes to put the glass in, Miles pulls it away.

No glass goes on the floor again because Miles never actually let Alex get that far, but it was amusing to Miles to see his best friend getting annoyed at him. So he just decided to do it one more time.

This is when tragedy struck. Alex preempted his idiot of a mate to pull his trick again so Alex lunged himself forward ensuring that the glass went in the bin this time, but as he did he threw himself off balance.

His free hand landed right on a decent sized shard of glass, cutting the small muscle on his palm that protected his thumb. And he could feel it stuck in there pretty deep.

"Fuck." Alex seethed, picking himself up off the floor as he started seeing the blood oozing around the glass that was stuck in his hand.


You'd just finished work and you were really excited for your night ahead. You were seeing Alex later and he was taking you out on your 7th date.

You'd been friends for well over 5 years so you knew each other like the back of your hands. But only 6 months ago did you both question if you could be more than the friends you've been for ages.

And as it turns out you could.

You'd loved each and every second of seeing Alex in a romantic sense. He was a real gentleman and you were loving that he treated you like 'his queen'.

That was a little joke of his because since he'd grown his hair out over the past 2 years after the AM tour, you'd told him that he looked like prince charming but with brown hair. And he was honestly living up to that title because he never stopped looking after you.

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