Will We Talk? | Part 2 |

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A/N: Besties, hellooo! I honestly can't explain how shocked I am that with the response to Part 1. Alex stans you're back and I'm thrilled you enjoyed the first part! I'm so excited to share this one with you, I can't believe after almost 2 years this fic is finally coming out and I've finally finished part 2 ahahhaa. Really hope you enjoy it, can't wait for your reactions. Let me know if theres anything that you want to see happen in part 3 because I'm very interested! Thanks again to -alovesreading and kennedy-brooke on Tumblr for putting up with me pecking your head and helping with this chapter, it's much appreciated! Thanks everyone for reading, and I really hope you enjoy! Thanks a million x


Just as you were turning yourself around again to head upstairs, Alex leaves you shell shocked when he asks you, "Do you want to fuck me?"

Instantly your eyes are the widest they could possibly get and you're sure your jaw falls open. Looking at him intently to try and make sure you're not dreaming this, you deadpan, "Excuse me?"

"Do you want to fuck me?" Alex asks, putting the record back like it's the most casual thing to ask someone he barely speaks to, "Is that why I make you nervous?"

This should be the easiest response you've ever given him.


But your words fail you. Your heart feels like it's about to beat out of your chest.

Wait... Do I want to fuck him?

You scorn yourself, not needing that question answered right now because you're so confused, you have your own questions that need answering.

Your words are immediately defensive and you don't hesitate to narrow your eyes as you ask, "What have I done to make you think that I want to fuck you?"

"Well everything that I just mentioned is what rules out fan behaviour." Alex tells you saying this like it's the most normal thing leaving his mouth, "It was just something else that popped into my mind whilst I was trying to figure you out."

Why is he trying to figure me out in the first place though?

After a second Alex raises his eyebrows at you, curiously wondering, "Well?"

"I- I've not- ever really given it much thought." You stumble on your words, because in truth you think you'd maybe twice looked at him and guessed he was good in bed and you didn't let your mind wonder past that.

When he asks, "Do you not think it would be good?" after waiting for your answer, you're sure he can read your mind.

Your brain is whurring around, but you can get it together enough to say, "I never said that."

Alex smiles a little at that and he takes a step closer as he asks, "So your answer is yes then?"

"Never said that either." You shake your head, taking as much of a deep breath that you can without making it obvious.

Alex shrugs a little as he watches you, "Well it's a simple question."

Is he deluded? This is the furthest from a simple question he could ever get.

"You sound like you want to fuck me." You fire back at him, hoping he'd give you some inclination of how he even wanted you to answer.

He smirks at you as he says, "I mean, I'd be interested in seeing if your mouth can do something other than talk at a hundred miles an hour."

Holy fucking shit.

If you're honest this feels like you're having the biggest practical joke of all time played on you. You have no other idea where all this would be coming from, because you certainly can't imagine Alex Turner - out of all the people you know - saying suggestive things to you.

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