Will We Talk? | Part 3 |

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A/N: Well... It's been a minute. I can only apologise for how long this part has taken me to write but believe me this will be worth the wait because holy shit. Again a big thank you to @-alovesreading and @kennedy-brooke for helping and listening to me complain about me having to write this chapter as I was getting more and more stuck (prepare yourself for me being the exact same with part 4&5 tho). Also a big thank you to @lottiecrabie for beta reading this and lottifying it for me, you're a true genius, thank you again. And thank you to everyone who has waited for this one, I wont keep you any longer, go enjoy it. Thanks a million for reading x


Waking up beside Alex brought everything back to you and it hits you in the same way your hangover does your stomach. Sickeningly.

Repercussions of what it all could mean give you a worse headache than you already have. Your body aches more than it has in a very long while. It's easy for you to tell that it's not just the lingering alcohol making your muscles seize, it's all the cardio Alex was putting the both of you through a matter of hours ago.

So after lying in complete discomfort for 10 minutes, only focusing on the way your stomach is flipping and the steady breathing of the man on the other side of the bed, you get up. You head to the bathroom and you immediately go for a drink of water from the tap, followed quickly by using some toothpaste and some mouthwash to try and freshen yourself up.

After using his toilet, you don't even feel any remorse about turning on his shower. Once it's a decent temperature, you walk in. You can't even deny that this might be the nicest shower of your life. You fully let the hot water relax your muscles and you don't think twice about using Alex's stuff.

You're surprised the man actually has both shampoo and conditioner instead of a 2 in 1. After all, his hair is only just growing back and it's still shorter than what it was back when they first got famous. You're grateful regardless because it's good quality and it smells amazing, hints of eucalyptus with a smokey wood scent.

Taking your time washing your sore body down with his shower gel, you gently start to hum along to a tune that's managed to stick in your head, and you're glad the shower seems to rid you of your hangover symptoms.

You end up in your own little world, reminiscing about last night's activities as you wash your body. Every brush of your fingers, you can feel Alex's touch. If you close your eyes you can picture it all over again and the ghost of the feelings he stirred up in you.

It's like tingles are running through your bones. Just the memory alone throws you back into the moment, like you can feel him on you, inside you, his skin against yours, his lips on y-

"How are you feeling?" Alex's voice startles you.

He walked in a few minutes ago after waking up needing to go to the toilet and he couldn't hold it despite hearing the stream of the shower. He didn't want to invade your privacy, but he knew the frosted glass that split the room would shield your body from him if you didn't want him to see it. It would be silly after last night anyway. The image of you is seared into his retinas.

So after using the toilet and brushing his teeth, he turned to see that you still hadn't noticed his presence. He can only glimpse at a blur of a figure behind the steamed glass, the temperature in the room getting increasingly hotter as the moments pass. He can't help but want to see you again, which is why he decides to open his mouth.

You quickly whip yourself around and see him standing just near the end of the glass pane that divides the shower from the rest of the room. Alex's gaze is on your face, staying respectful and not lingering down, even though he'd seen you a matter of hours ago.

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