Chapter Five, Goodbyes

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I shot up and scrambled off the couch. Dawson stirred and sat up. "What's wrong?" He asked, looking around.

"Umm.. We fell asleep last night.. I somehow ended up laying on top of you. I'm sorry! You must've been very uncomfortable." I apologized.

He chuckled. "Eden, if you haven't noticed you are a very small woman. And I'm a heavy sleeper. You didn't bother me one bit."

"Well that's good. If you don't mind, I'm going to go change and gather our stuff then we'll be out of your hair." I grabbed Colten's hand and walked upstairs.

"You know, you being here isn't a hassle at all. In fact I like having people around the house. You can stay as long as you want." He called up the stairs.

"No thank you. We'll be on our way soon." I said, sticking to my guns. I walked into the bedroom and started taking Colten's clothes off. "Alright big boy, tubby time!" Colten giggled and ran into the bathroom. Hey, if we have a bath at our disposal for only so long we should take advantage of it.

After a messy bath, a wet little boy, and a wet mommy, bath time was over. Colten wanted to dress himself, lord help us all, while I went back into the bathroom to make myself presentable.

I stared in to the mirror and smiled at my appearance. My hair was a bit shinier, due to the amazing bath I had last night and the surprisingly restful nights sleep on a large, sweet man. I give myself a sad smile, thinking of how I have to leave this wonderful man before I even knew him. He would've been a wonderful father to Colten. Too bad the situation is the way it is.

My eyes roam over the dark bruises that covered my neck and the black eye that stood out against my pale skin. It brought up memory after memory.

"Xavier please! Stop! It hurts!" I cried while backing up in the corner, trying to get away from the man I love.

"No! You deserve this! I'm only doing this because I love you." He said while landing another blow to my side. I whimpered.

I knew I shouldn't have yelled at him. He has a short temper and I know this. I tell myself it was my fault and I deserve this. Something in the back of my mind told me this wasn't a normal relationship that 15 year olds had. I also knew that I shouldn't be dating a 19 year old but I love him.

Afterwards, I lay in bed next to a snoring Xavier and wonder how my life came to be like this. My boyfriend hit me all the time, he was a drug dealer, he was a gang leader and I was a pawn in it all. I had a job here like everyone else. Xavier wouldn't allow even his girlfriend just sit around. He ran a tight ship. It's okay though. I was good at what I did. I kept Xavier busy.

I met him last year. When I was 14 years old. I was waiting for the bus in the rain when he pulled up next to me in a black car. I remember him getting out and asking me where I was going. I told him home, and he offered a ride. It was cold and rainy so I said sure. Not the smartest move, but hey I was cold. That's how it started. He took me home and we talked all the way there. He asked if we could get together again and I said yes. He made me feel special despite our 4 year age difference. I was aware that it was illegal for an 18 year old and a 14 year old to be together but I didn't care. And that's how it started.

I slowly got up from the bed and tiptoed into the bathroom and shut the door softly. I pulled out the first aid kit and began cleaning my wounds. I repeated the words I have for a year now. 'He loves me. I know it.'

That went on until I was 18. Xavier went to jail for drug dealing. And I snapped out of my lust and got a job and ended up with Colten.

I gingerly touched my swollen eye and winced. The pain was familiar. I haven't felt it in over two years. I'll get through it though. I always do. I fix my appearance a bit and walk back into the bedroom. I gather Colten and our suitcase and head down the stairs.

"Thank you so much for this. We should get going." I thank Dawson and start to make my way to the door.

"Wait! Here's my number, if you ever need anything give me a call. I'm here 7 days a week, 24 hours." Dawson joked. "Good luck, Eden," I nodded, took the little piece of paper and closed the main door behind me. Time to find a new home.


I'm so sorry I haven't been on. The ending of this chapter is crappy.. I got writers block and it was just siting here.. I felt bad not giving you anything so will this hold you off for a few days? I'm on spring break as of now so I'm going to attempt to update a few times. Some stuff is going to happen in the next few chapters so be ready.


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