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Like the last post this isn't connected to the angst, I believe it's just a good thing to be brought up :D this was crunched out due to something that's happened in my life so I'm gonna be handing it in to a story contest in hopes for the topic of bullying to be more well recognized within society!

Tw: mentions of self harm and suicide

A problem with modern society and it’s children, adults and teenagers alike is bullying. Bullying is when a person seeks to harm, intimidate or mediate their feelings onto someone seen as emotionally or physically weak. There are many different types in todays society, the main ones that are more recognized are verbal bullying, physical bullying, relational bullying and cyberbullying.

How bullying affects in real life can be from something as simple as hurtful words to right out breaking someones bones, when this happens the recipient can feel lesser to the rest of a group and will right out stop showing up to said group because they know it won’t end well for them. It can get a lot worse if its more than one person bullying someone. it can drive the person to harm their body by over eating, under eating, staying up way to late basically pushing the boundaries of what the human body can take, sleeping too much, cutting or scratching the skin and taking pills to hurt themselves.

How bullying affects online is very different, words and how their used can make a person feel like their not as good as they are, that their body isn’t perfect even though it is and honestly worse that i can’t exactly bring up on a paper going to a bunch of adults. The affects of this are the same as real life but they can only get to a worse point than in real life.

What are affects of bullying all around? Well that can include hate for ones body image, how they talk, act, their emotions, feeling like they aren’t worth it. If it gets to a bad enough point the bullied party will start to consider taking their life because people don’t care about them or literally anything like mental health. Mental health should be talked about with children from a very young age so they can understand what actions and words can have a toll on another person, people under the age of twelve have taken their lives because of bullying.

What can people around the bullied party do to help?  There are multiple ways to help someone if you think they are being bullied. One, you can check in on them daily to see how their doing, its good to do this because if the person can feel like there are people who care about them to great lengths. Two, give them a space to anonymously vent about their problems, this can be a great help to mental health to just get some of that weight off their shoulders.

What can you do if a person in your life that you’re related to is being bullied? Follow the first two steps i’ve given in the last section, another thing is bring them something you know that they like, examples being food, drinks, a stuffed animal or a new blanket. For a person going through something like bullying it can make them feel like they have family whos got their back no matter the situation

I hope this gets across a point that bullying should be dealt with like something life threatening, because it really is.

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