cannibal y/n angst: unfinshed

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this angst will include having to be a cannibal and death of family/people that you may find comforts, y/n will use they/them pronouns.  y/n will be called a monster, freak and crazy if you aren't comfortable with that either please read with caution or do not read at all.

 the backstory is that beel had told y/n that he was hungry, y/n having a different sense of hunger had an idea that wasn't perfectly okay in everyone's eye's. they had gathered the rest of the brother's telling them that something was wrong with beel. of course belphie got there first being worried and lucifer got there last because he was caught up within the paperwork given by diavolo. now of course y/n had a plan for each of them. something in the end beel wouldn't like at all.

"so, y/n. you said there was something wrong with beel?" lucifer said as he got seated, they looked back at him as they locked the door. "yes actually, you see. his hunger, i think i can help it~" they said in utter delight. they wanted to taste each brother, figuring that would help beel and or gross him out too much to eat was an upside. "so?! what is it? spit it out human!" mammon was quick to ask for the answer, they wanted to drag this out. maybe scare the younger brothers into complying. a struggling meal was no fun to y/n "well i'm so happy you asked mammon, blood and guts may satisfy him and or scare him out of eating all that much~" their response shooked the brothers. beel would never eat blood or guts, he wasn't the kind of person. then belphie broke the silence of the brothers. "he's not that kind of person! what are you y/n? a monster, a freak?" they giggled at the words and simply nodded. they always found playing with the victims an experience for them, everyone reacted diffrently to being gutted alive. the screams and terror in the eye's, they loved it all. "oi y/n! we were talking to ya!" mammon yelled at them, they had zoned out thinking about what they could do. "what was it mammon?" their responses were simple, it'd be troublesome if mammon couldn't understand. all he did was hiss under his breath "where'd the magic chain's come from, i thought ya had no magic." they smirked, they had lied about that at the start of the year. hell lying about it was quite hard. "oh! my chains. they come out when i'm hungry~ i've really had to hold back on you all.~" the brothers were shocked. a simple giggle came out of y/n, turning into evil laughing. y/n had put magic seals under each chair so their magic was unusable. they unlocked the door and left the room. that left each boy struggling to get out of their chairs, they tried to no avail, it was useless trying to escape. mammon sighed and looked at each of them. "since we're going to die today, we should all say our last words." they all looked at mammon and nodded, they went in order of age lucifer starting "well, if anything. my last words have to that i love you all. you all may cause trouble but i love you all, dearly. i know we all trusted y/n. mammon, you may speak now." then lucifer trailed off and looked at mammon. he was silent for a second before finally speaking. "you guy's may have treated me bad but i love ya all. i'm glad we fought together, i'm glad satan join the family. i'm glad about all of it, i may seem scummy or reckless but in reality, i felt lonely. knowing no one is truly trustworthy in this world is our lesson. i hope that ya all know i care about ya." he looked at levi who was crying slightly. he let this person or thing into his secret life and what did he get, he got to die. he sighed and spoke. "since its my turn to speak, i love you guy's. i was always so jealous of you guys and how you had the confidence to go out all the time, the one person i let into my life truly isn't who we thought they are and i see that now, i just hope that after we die nothing more happens." the three eldest looked onto satan who was trying to hide how scared he was "well. . . as scared as i am. it's only fair i share how i'm feeling in this situation. i've always felt like a copy of lucifer and y/n made me see i wasn't. wether they were doing it for their benefit or mine. i can't believe i trusted them. i love you all, i know i hide it but truly and deeply i love you all. even if i hide it and burry it." asmo quickly spoke up, he was probably the most afraid out of everyone. he breathed in and out quickly before speaking so he could push out everything in his mind. "listen, i know i can be self centered, care about only myself, be nosy along with so much else. i do it out of habit, i was always the most beautiful in the celestial realm, they called me the jewel of the celestial realm. wasn't i just a figure for father to show off. i know you guys probably think i'm snobby along with so much else. at least i got to spend my last moments with you all, i love you guys." asmo then started crying. all belphie did was stay quiet, he had no clue what to say. suddenly his memories of the attic and things close to that popped into his head. "so, we all got betrayed. i know i'm not one to talk with having known y/n for less time than the rest of you all. i betrayed lucifer in the past by defying lord diavolo and what i thought was a stupid plan. turns out it was so good for all of us, as for y/n. they don't seem to be human. perhaps a monster hiding from the public eye. i love all of you and i hope if there's an afterlife we should all meet there and have lillith join us." as belphie finished saying that the room went into silence except from ocasional sobs coming from asmo.

the door creaked open slowly a large silver doctors or dentists cart being wheeled into the room. there were multiple knives and other tools that could be used for disecting people open layed on the table, one of the two things that stood out most was a red marker, maybe a sharpie. the second item was a small knife. it shined and glistened on that table, almost like a jewel. a jewel that even scared the avatar of greed away. they smiled noticing the stares they got "oh my, you seem to have all behaved. i'm so glad you behaved my prey~" then the boy's shirts disappeared, the boys were confused at the sudden change. They felt a sudden rush of cold on their chest making each boy instantly shiver. They giggled when it happened. "My my my!~ so sensitive~"  each brother stayed silent, none of them wanted to get hurt after hearing everything everyone had to say, they were. y/n walked over to Lucifer with the marker, y/n slowly took off the lid smiling. "Don't worry Luci I'm just going to mark the cutting spots. I won't hurt you with a marker" with those words y/n made a persise markings on Lucifer's skin, their skill made them all wonder just how long y/n had actually been doing this. They continued to mark the spots they were going to cuts. They marked his sensitive spot as well making him hold in a moan. None of the boys even let out a snicker with the situation they were in. They then stood quickly heading to the table in excitement. They grabbed the shiny knife and held it up, basically showing it off to the brothers in the room. They walked back over to Lucifer crouching infront of him. They teased him with the knife, making small cuts as they toyed with him. He was holding back the noises trying to show he was strong. They suddenly and quickly stabbed one of his lungs getting a loud groan from him, so much pain in a second. He definitely wasn't ready. Mammon gasped, Levi had no reaction to give, Satan shut his eyes oh so quickly, asmo screamed and belphie gripped his chair. "You see, I don't plan on beating around the bush with any of you. Your all going to watch and know your going to feel this pain soon." y/n smiled and giggled at the noise he made after speaking. Lucifer slightly coughed up blood. They pulled the knife out and Lucifer relaxed in his seat slightly. They then cut each line opening him slowly. That got a scream from every person in the room, his living, shiny, bloody organs exposed. Asmo had nearly fainted. They licked his liver and he shivered, one of the brothers decided to speak up, they had no clue who because they were figuring out what was next for dear lucifer. "Y/N, KILL ME INSTEAD!" hmm maybe cutting each of them open might be fun, but risking them bleeding out before being able to get them alive wasn't fun. not in y/n's eyes anyway. "no, lucifer goes first, i'm going in order of age~" silence again greeted the room again, its arms embracing each brother with open arms. engulfing them. each face of a brother holding a terrified and grossed out look. "eh?" they responded shooing the silence away. "afraid of death? afraid beel will blame himself? what are you all. so. afraid. of?" each of them looked away from y/n while lucifer just kept his eye's closed 

Hey so, this is a wip. Eventually in the future I'm going to post the full version, I hope you enjoy what I do have♥️

Update, Wednesday March 31st: I am currently trying to make the full version just give me a few days :)

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