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"That's your daughter?" Hanna, your mother's best friend, ask her as she looks at you and back at her.

"That's her..." your mother says as she looks at you, "I should go talk to her. I need to talk to her," your mother says as she stands up but Hanna stops her by getting up, grading her wrist and making her sit back down.

"No, you're not," Hanna says as she looks at your mother in the eye while taking her seat once again, "(Your Mother's Name), what are you going to do once you talk to her? Are you going to introduce yourself as the mother who barely took care of her and almost left her for dead? She already knows you abandoned her. She has to be hurt by it, be smart about this," Hanna lectures.

"I... I didn't mean to. I... I was young and---"

"(Your mother's Name), I'm your best friend but that doesn't mean I'm going to tell you lies. What you did to your daughter is fucked up. You were twenty-seven when you had her. You got married at twenty-five. Back then, you were stressed and wanted to have some fun so you, I and the girls, we went clubbing to have fun and relieve some stress. You took off your wedding ring for some dumb fucking reason and a guy talked to you. You flirted back instead of telling him you were married," Hanna reminds her because she needed to let your mother know what she has done.

"I know. I fucked up," your mother says as she clenches her fist while biting her lip.

"Fucked up? (Your Mother's Name), I would say you have if the guy was some fuck boy but he was seven years younger than you. He was a very kind and respectable man. When you got waisted, he brought you to me. Telling me that you can barely walk and should be taken home. He saw me walk in with you so he knew that I could take you home safely. He could have brought you somewhere and do whatever the hell he wanted but instead, he did something that all man should. He gave you his number which you should have thrown away but you called him, meet up with him and then a relationship started from there. He fell in love with you while you were a married woman. Your husband loved you too. You get pregnant and everything falls apart. Just what were you expecting exactly?" Hanna ask her as she crosses her arms.

"I don't know... I loved (Your Father's Name). I did but with Felix, it was something else. I felt young and more alive..." Your mother says but Hanna shakes her head because that's not an excuse.

"(Your Father's name) isn't even her biological father but he has taken custody of her, raised her, and became her parent more than you. And you're her biological mother. I understand that you were depressed through the pregnancy and after it as well. That you were in a bad place but leaving your daughter almost dead multiple times is unacceptable. I had to visite you everyday to make sure your daughter is still breathing. You fucked up. You gave up on your daughter so don't try to walk into her life, wanting to be a mother. She'll hate you for it," Hanna tells her as she wants to make that clear.

"I mean, look at her," Hanna says as she looks at you and your mother does as well, "She looks happy. She's laughing. Who knows, that guy may be her boyfriend or good friend. But the thing is that she's happy. Do you want to ruin that?" Hanna ask which cause your mother to start crying.

Hanna hands her a napkin so that she can wipe her tears. 

Your mother know that Hanna is the voice of reason in this friendship and so, your mother decides that it's best to just let you grow up without her. You have and you look happy. Your mother already has her own family and kids so maybe it's best to move on but there's still a part of her that want to talk to you and apologize for the things you don't remember.

Your mother takes another look at you but her eyes widen when she saw you breathing heavily as if you were having a panic attack or something. She worried a little and wanted to rush over but the guy you were with beats her to it. 

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