|46| Are You Happy?

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[Sorry for the very late update]

"You've been making a lot of friends?" Felix ask you as you were both buying groceries together.

"Yeah," you tell him with a smile, "Sadly, Alex and I, we didn't end up in the same class but I have been getting along very well with my classmate. One guy, his name is Nendo and even though he can be weird from time to time, he's actually pretty fun. And there's there's another who's very cute. Like a little puppy who I really want to adopt. Then there's also the school's Goddess who I do have to admit I am a little jealous as she also has Alex drooling over her but I also can't blame him. There's also the class rep who I get along very well," you start telling him about your classmate which made him chuckle as he loves hearing about the friends you made.

"And then there's this one kid who makes me feel like I have seen him before," you tell him which cause him to look at you.


"Dad, have I ever met a weird looking guy with pink hair with weird hair pins in their hair before?" you ask him which made Felix laugh.

"No, I would have defiantly remembered if you have but looks like someone caught your attention," Felix says and you nod.

"Yeah, his name is Kusuo Saiki. He's in my class, sitting in front of me and I have been along with him like the others but there are some moments I have with him that make me feel like Deja-vu. It's hard to explain," you tell him with a sigh as you couldn't explain.

"We all have moments but please remember you do have a boyfriend and to---"

"Dad, I'm not going to cheat. I'm a loyal woman. Saiki and I are just friends like everyone else. I'm Alex's girl," you tell him with a giggle and Felix pats your head, "Oh, and--" you get caught off when you felt someone grab your hand.

You look down to see a little girl with the cutest smile. Felix was confused, "I like your hair," the girl says which cause you to giggle and bend down to her height.

"Thank you! And I like your unicorn shoes. They're so pretty," you tell her which cause her to laugh.

"Stella!" A woman says as she runs towards you and Felix. She picks up her daughter, "Stella, I told you not to wonder on your own," the mother lectures and you notice how young she looks. She had to be like your father, a young mother.

"But look at her hair! It's so pretty!" The young girl known as Stella says as she points at your hair.

"I'm so sorry," the mother apologizes.

"No it's fine," you tell her with a smile.

"Don't worry about it. (Name) here is a sucker for compliments," Felix says with a smile as he messes up your hair.

"Dad!" you complain which got him to chuckle. You then look at Stella, "By the way, you're really cute Stella," you tell her which cause Stella to smile brightly.

"I'm pretty like a flower!" Stella says loudly which got you to laugh as you found her so cute and honestly, Felix found her adorable too.

"You grew up too fast," Felix comments as he looks at you. He remembers the days when you were young and adorable. But now you're a teen and one day you're going to have to leave his side and he'll be all alone.

"That's the painful thing about having kids," the mother comments with a smile as she looks at her daughter, "Watching them grow can be both a blessing but also a curse as one day, they'll leave," she says which Felix agrees to.

"I'm never going to leave you mommy!" Stella says as she hugs her mother and gives her mother  a big kiss on the cheek which was cute.

"Just wait until she reaches the rebellious stage," Felix says, "(Name), she--"

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