|39| Kusuke Saiki

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"I just don't remember going to sleep. It's unlike me," your father says as he rubs his forehead while walking in the airport with you. He's carrying his lugging along with you until he got someone's attention to carrying for him and bring it up front.

"You were tired, it happens," you tell say as if you have absolutely no idea why he fell asleep.

"I guess," he sighs. After a few minutes, your father is handing in the passports and doing the usual. Once that was clear, you carry your side-bag that has your medication and papers that say that you need them just in case if the airport security questions the medication. You also have your phone along with your earphone.

Your father is holding on to your passport just in case. He carrying his case as he has business in London. You both walk through the airport, go through security like needed and everything checked out. When it has all been done, you both to the seated area of where you'll be boarding.

You sat down, took out your earphone and phone so that you can listen to music to pass time. You look at your phone who reaches for his phone, by the looks of it, it seemed like someone is calling him. You pause your music out of curiosity.

"Yes, I've looked through the files already. I'm confident I can get this deal. We both know that I know business better then Yukio and not to mention that I'm fluent in English. I'll deal with the problem here and then hand in a report," your father says on the phone.

It's work.

It's alway work.

"You can't be serious!" your father sighs as he stands up. He look at you and signals you that he's going to step away for a while. You just nod your head and watch him walk away. You sigh as you put you music back on.

I'm not fluent in English. Just in French... How am I gong to survive in London? I hope there's at least a Japanese person I can talk to, you hope. You start looking around because why not but you stop when you made eye contact with someone, Ukiyo?

It's Ukiyo. By the looks of it, she noticed you as well. She makes her way to you with a smile as you pause your music and take off your earplug, "Ukiyo? What are you doing here?" you ask her as you were surprised to see her.

"You remembered my name," she says with a bright smile, as if she's really happy that you did.

"Yeah, of course. You have a beautiful name. It's impossible to forget about it," you compliment with a giggle.

"Can I?" she ask as she point at the empty seat next to you which was where you father sat.

"Yeah, of course," you know well that your father's phone call is going to take a while. Plus, it would be nice to chat with your new friend.

"I heard you're going to London to get help," Ukiyo says and you nod.

"Yeah, my dad thought that would be best," you tell her, "But what about you? You're going somewhere?" you ask.

"Yeah, I'm here with my dad. We're going to France actually," she tells you which made you blush because it got you to have a flashback of the time you and Saiki kissed, "Hey, are you okay? You're red," she point out.

"Oh, yeah. I'm fine. Just..." you were wondering if she's someone you can talk to like you have with Julie. You want to show off your love life but you wonder if that's okay or not.

"Jus?" Ukiyo seemed really interested so you decided why not.

"Well, remember that guy, Saiki? The one who you thought was my boyfriend?" you ask her and she nods, "Well, we may have kissed," you tell her and she claps her hands together in excitement.

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