|50| Crybaby

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"Thank you for seeing me," your mother says as you sit down in front of her inside a cafe. She looks like a mess.

It's been a week since the accident. You were discharged from the hospital and sent home. You were currently packing your things as you were going to move in with Felix who is looking for a new place to live in as his apartment is meant for a one person so at the moment it's just putting your things in a box and only taking out what you need until Felix finds a better place.

Julie and everyone else has been helping you pack and getting you back on your feet which was a lot of fun. Some of your classmates even came in to help and check up on you. Hairo was really motivated to carry the most boxes, no matter how heavy they are. Kaido tried to carry one that was heavy but he had a lot of trouble with it but wouldn't admit it. Nendo was being Nendo.

Kusuo did also come in to help but you were both very nervous around each other. You have told Julie about the confession you and Kusuo did as you needed to tell someone and you alway talk to Julie about these things and so, she became your wing Woman as she has asked you and Kusuo to help around the kitchen while she goes take care of your classmates.

Things were going well and they were fun. You even got to know more of one of your classmate who's name is Aren Kuboyasu.

Felix was able to get full custody of you but the thing was that your mother has been trying her best to get in contact with you as everyone was keeping her away from you in the hospital. You were annoyed by it so you finally responded and told her that you would meet her.

And this is how you got here.

"I didn't really have a choice," sure, you didn't want to be salty towards your father in the hospital as he did take you in and took care of you as a child but your mother tried to kill you so you being salty towards her is perfectly understandable. 

Your mother wanted to say something but you weren't done, "You do know that what you're doing is harassment, right?" you ask her, "It doesn't matter if you're my biological mother or not but bothering me like your doing, to a minor, it's considered harassment not to mention that if I don't respond, you might show up at my school and cause a scene so let's do this quick, what do you want?" now you're done.

You sit back and look at the woman in the eyes as you sit elegantly.

"I... I want to say that I'm sorry for what I've done to you as a baby and... I want to ask you to just give me a chance to be a mother to you. You are my daughter. I gave birth to you and I think we could get along--"

"No," you don't hesitate to cut her off, "You're not sorry," you tell her which confused her.

"I am. I have regretted it---"

"You regretted it when you saw my father and I on New Years Eve to pray," you remind her, "You never cared about me nor thought about me for a second--"

"That's not true!" she yells which got caught the attention of a few in the cafe. Your mother looks around and then back at you, "That's not true," she repeats but quieter this time.

"Listen," you sigh, "If you regretted what you did, you would have went looking for me to apologize and try to fix things but instead, you moved on with your life as if I never existed," you're just going to put is as simple as you can as you don't want to be here with her more than you should, "You erased me. You found yourself a guy, got married and had kids. You were even able to get a job as a teacher which I have no idea how but congrats. You had the life you wanted but then you saw my dad and me together and put two and two together as you knew he took custody of me. He told you to fuck off but seeing me just reminded you of your mistake which you have erased. Now you're thinking that apologizing to me and saying how much you regret it is going to fix things but it won't. You don't care about me but want to make it seem like it because you want to be perfect and I'm just a reminder of your imperfect... And you need to fix that," you tell her expressionless.

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