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"Hey, Saiki?" you say as you take off your apron.

"Yes?" he says as you stops cutting the tomatoes to look at you as you were standing behind him.

"Can you watch this for me. I need to go to the bathroom real quick," you tell him. It's time to take my medication. Saiki nods when he knew the real reason why you need to step out. 

It's the weekend. Your father went back out on another business trip and a few of your classmates are over. They're mostly in the back yard with the tree house or in your living playing video games but everyone was having fun and enjoying themselves and you were too.

Everyone seems to enjoy your cooking which made you really happy as you love cooking and through the whole day, you didn't have a single suicidal though. Saiki was in the kitchen with you, helping with the cooking. Teruhashi offered to help as well but then the boys did as well so you thanked her for the offer but told her you and Saiki got it covered as you didn't want too many people in the kitchen.

After getting your medication, you head back to the kitchen to cook and once everything was done, you and Saiki brought the food to the living room. Everyone joins it and eats and complimenting you for the food which made you really happy. Everyone took seconds and thirds and you were just glad you made a lot of food.

"Hey, (Name). Where's are your parents?" Teruhashi ask you with a smile.

"My mother passed away when I was very young and my dad is out on a business trip," you tell her and everyone listens in as they were also curious about your parents.

"Do you have any pictures?" Hairo ask and you look at him worriedly but smile quickly.

"I put them away. My baby pictures or pictures of me when I was young are just horrible. I'm in embarrassed," you lie while Saiki looks at you knowing the truth as you thought of it.

"Aww, come on, I'm sure you looked cute," Kaido says which made you giggle.

"But Kaido, my pictures need to be hidden, what if Dark Reunion find it?" you ask which on one understood except for Kaido who places his hand right in front of his right eye and start mumbling some things you just don't understand.

"But you know," you say while looking at the others, "I would really love to see baby pictures of Teruhashi. I bet she was the cutest baby to have ever existed," you say which got everyone's attention to her.

You hate doing that but you didn't want the attention on you and plus, Teruhashi loves the attention on her and she seems to be enjoying herself when everyone is talking to her. While everyone is having fun and just enjoying themselves, you make your way to the kitchen to put your plate away.

You then let out a sigh as you were alone. You take a deep breath and place a hand on your chest and felt your heart beating very slowly but then you think back to the pictures... There's no pictures at all.

You don't have any baby picture. You don't have any pictures of your mother. Nor any pictures of you and your dad. No pictures of you growing up or anything... The pictures you once had were of you but with old friends from your old school which you have thrown away.

You look around the kitchen to look at the kitchen knife and that's when you wondered how it would feel to use it to cut your throat or stab yourself right into your chest as you have felt very desperate to just end it all.

You gentle reach for the knife, "(Name)?" you jump and slide your hand on the table which hit the plate and you quickly look at it as it's falling towards the ground but stops the last second. You look back at the person that said your name.

My Happiness || Kusuo Saiki X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now