chapter xxxi - anxious

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tw: light teasing

that night, i went back to 'our' room. i open the door, no negan. hopefully, he's actually being serious. i turn back to emmet, "can i ask you a favor?"

"sure, ma'am."

"i know this is going to sound weird, but i need to know if negan sleeps with anyone this week. can you please do that for me?"

"i'll try my hardest to on my shifts, but you'll have to talk to andy when he gets on shift."

"i will, thank you so much emmet."

"of course, ma'am."

i smile as i walk back in. i go and get ready for bed, falling asleep before he got back.

next day...

i open my eyes, feeling a hand over my waist and an erection pressing into my ass.

"you really can't go a day without getting an erection, can you?" i mumble under my breath.

after cleaning up and changing i walk back out into the bedroom, he's still asleep of course. but no other women so far.

five days later...

so far the guards have yet to see any of his wives going to his room with him.

"y/n, you're killing me here," negan says, walking up behind me in the cafeteria line.

"as i said, you have a sex addiction."

he laughs, "baby, i'm serious. i'm dying."

i laugh, "well, just think about two days from now."

"wait, does that mean what i think it does?"

"maybe, you'll just have to wait."

"i'll take that as a yes."

i smile at him, "so when am i going to get to see my parents again?"

"maybe in two days."

"you blackmailing me for sex?"

"no, i just...well maybe."

i laugh, going to sit beside sherry.

"y/n, i'm surprised. he hasn't asked for sex in five days from any of us. what did you do to him?"

"i think we're about to step up from sister wives, just wait."

next night...

i curled into a ball on the bed, my excitement for tomorrow keeping me up.

the excitement to see my family - okay, maybe a little for sex but mostly for seeing my family.

negan comes in, "one more damn day."

"chill out, it's not like i'm giving you blue balls or something."

"you kinda did the other day."

"yea, i did. that was funny," i say laughing at the memory.

"that was not funny, it was painful."

"it was - and still is - pretty funny."

he sighs, "i'll get you back one day, maybe tomorrow."

"you better not."

"maybe i won't, maybe i will, you'll just have to see," he says, climbing into bed.


he's up before me, surprisingly. i hear the shower running as i stand and get dressed. i get out of the room before he can get out of the shower, knowing we would never leave if i stayed.

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