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Bad choices


good stories

/ Haley /

On that same night, I went to sleep feeling like a broken rose that lost all its color. There are others surrounding me that have so much meaning to life, that have so much color and light, and then here I am, grey and gloomy. What is the purpose of my being? I finish College, then what? Yes, I've mapped everything out-rules after rules, directions after directions, what and what not's, what jobs I will work at and where I am to go when I gain a lot of money, but now it all makes sense.

I am here not because I want to be, but because I grew up with people telling me "Do this", "Do that", "You have to go here", "Don't do that", "Don't be like them". I think that is why I became the teen I did, not because I grew up with messed up parents, but because I was tired of being told what to do. I relied on alcohol to comfort me.

You cannot gain success from always following the rules. You make mistakes, you learn from them, you become wiser. Parents think they're doing what's best for their children, but in all honesty, they're doing what they think is best for them. They don't want to be known as the parent of a child who can't get past high school.

The generation we live in will screw with your mind, they will do anything in their power to bring you down, to make sure you are below them. They will call you the pollution in the air, but really you are the air.

So why was I thinking about this fucked up world we are currently living in? Because it was two in the morning, and that is all you can really do at that time. You think, you think about everything and everyone until your brain begins to ache and there is nothing left to think about.

"Miss Evans, please do share with the class about what is more important than learning about the seventh Edition of The Norton Anthology of American Literature?"

My overthinking comes to an end to the sound of my name.

"I'm sorry, may you repeat that, Professor Whittley?" I ask, feeling my cheeks scorch with embarrassment. Great, I slept late and now I'm about to be embarressed in front of the class. I found myslef wishing that we had at least one more day of winter break.

"Oh come on, a damn door is more entertaining than listening to you ramble about whatever the hell is happening in this book" Ashton calls out.

Everyone laughs, I would have too, if it weren't for me being desperate to pass his class. I wasn't sure if Ashton was sticking up for me, and I don't think I would have ever had this thought in my mind, but I was thankful for his rudeness. He took the attention off of me.

"Mr.Irwin, I would advise you to keep your mouth shut if you want to graduaute" Professor Whittley warns. His chapped lips are pressed tight shut, like he's trying to control himself from saying anything more.

His white beard hangs low, starting from under his nose then connects with his sideburns and travels down past his chin. There is barely hair on the top of his head, but with that stern look he always holds, he gives off that strict look that warns you not to question or disobey him.

Ashton stays quiet after that, but even from behind me I can feel him rolling his eyes.

"Back to you Miss Evans, hopefully no more ignorant disruptions. Please allocate your opinion on Robert Penn Warren," He says, more telling me rather than asking me.

I sighed in relief, I studied him back in high school, never have I ever been so grateful for my nerdy-ness and "I have to pass this or I'm failing in life" attitude.

"Well, Professor Whittley, I think Warren was-"

"I disagree."

I bit down on my lip, hard, at the sound of his voice. I almost forgot he was in this class, until now of course. I turn in my seat so that I can see the smug look he held that I so badly wanted to rip off.

"You don't even know what I was about to say" I protest in disbelief.

He huffs, but the bored look remains on his beautiful face. "I know that it was going to be long and boring, so I'm saving myself and everyone else in this room from your lecture."

Just before I could reply to his rude yet a little true remark, my phone went off.

I never answered my phone in class, but this time it felt different, like if I didn't I would soon regret it. So I pressed the phone against my ear, waiting to hear the person on the other line.


"Haley, it's your father-He's-he's" That was all I needed for my heart to pace and for me to go rushing out of the room.

Right now I didn't care about my GPA, my grades or whether or not I would pass Professor Whittley's class, I needed to get to the hospital.

I would say in the five minutes of me speeding my car to it's absolute limit, I was freaking the hell out. My dad, he was the only one that I could say that truly ever loved me. My parents were separated, but whenever I got into a fight with my mom or she kicked me out, he would let me stay with him and make sure I was alright.

He has a heart problem, and my mom couldn't bare to watch him in pain anymore so they separated. I blamed her for everything, the reason why I got into drugs and the reason he was becoming more sick. He's dying. My father is dying.

I pass the front desk and go into his room, I almost faint when I see that he was still breathing.

"Dad, holy crap. You scared me half to death, are you alright? What happened? Mom called and-"

"Hales, I am fine. Just a false alarming, now give your old man a hug" He stretches his arms out and tries to smile, but I know better. He's too weak to even give a simple gesture.

"Of course" I chuckle, wrapping my arms around his neck and nuzzling my head on his chest. He and I both know why I do that, to make sure his heart is alive and beating normally.

His stubble scratches the side of my ear, something I've grown use to.

"How's your cousin, darling?"

I unwrap my arms and look at the sick man below me. His dark hair is disappearing little by little with every visit, the black bags under his eyes are darker than I remember and his once olive tone skin has become as white as the walls surrounding us.

"Cousin? I thought I didn't have any cousins?"

He looks at me and sighs, shutting his eyes for a brief second. "Of course she still hasn't told you,"

Just then, the least person I ever expected to walk into the room came in, looking as if he was just given the worst news and rushed carelessly over here to see if it was true. I was about to tell him wrong room when my father interrupted me-

"Haley, meet Calum Hood, your cousin."


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