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I wish

I could

kiss you


/ Haley /

"Where are we going?" I couldn't help but ask.

He looks at me for not even a second before focusing back on the road, "Well first we're going to do the basic restaurant on a first date, then I'm taking you somewhere else."

"We're going on a date?" The thought hadn't really crossed my mind, jesus Haley how dumb could you be? I mean, why else would he buy me a dress?

He scratched the back of his head and made a nervous sound, "I mean, well uh, fuck when you say it it sounds weird. But yeah, we're going on a date?"

I laugh at how nervous and unsure he sounds, which I can tell you is the first time I've ever seen him like this. It's quite amusing.

"Why are you laughing?" He chuckles.

"You look like a kid when you're nervous"

He looks at me and raises an eyebrow, "A kid that can beat your ass" he smirks.

"Was that a threat?" I fake gasped.

"I don't know, is it?"

"Are you calling on a thumb wrestle, Hemmings?"

He laughs, "A thumb wrestle? What are we kids?"

"Aw are you scared?"

"Since when the hell am i ever scared?"

"Luke is scared of getting beat by a girrrrl!"

"No I'm-"

"Scaredy cat."

"One more word and-"

"Mr.badboy is not so-"

The car did a harsh turn, making me shut up in the middle of my sentence.

"What are you-"

He parked the car on the side of the highway.

"Are you trying to kill us?"

"You want to thumb wrestle? So let's thumb wrestle," he says rolling up his sleeves.

To say i was a bit shocked was an underestimate, but I just smiled and took off my seatbelt.

"Woah, badass over here."

"I'm about to beat your butt"

"Less talking and more showing" He says, the corner of his lips trying it's hardest not to curve.

I crack my fingers, "I'll have you know I am the queen of thumb wars," I say as we both connect our hands in its position.

"Ready," he starts. "Se-"

"Go!" I cut him off and immediately catched his thumb off guard with mine on top.

"Cheater!" He yelled.

I laughed harder than i should have, in fact, i was laughing so hard i was crying.

"I declare another round!" He cries, but it was clear he was trying his hardest not to laugh.

"Okay okay, I'm sorry" I chuckle. "Again."

We put our hands in the position again, "Now, we start when I say go," Luke warns.

"Ready, set, go!"

We both began to wrestle our thumbs and tilt our bodies as if it would actually help. There were times when he almost got me, but I got away. In the end, my thumb was over his.

"Wait! No way, i want another round i was distracted" He claims, laughing.

"I told you! You can't beat me!"

He shakes his head, "One more round, come on!"

I sigh but give in, "Fine. But after i beat you we need to get back to the road,"

He waves his hand, "yeah yeah, give me your thumb."

So we get in the position again, but this time he had a smirk on his face.

"Ready, set, go-" He pulls me towards him and smashes his lips to mine.

I was caught off guard at first, but soon I smiled into the kiss and leaned more into him. He smiles and moves his hand to my waist, gently squeezing it. It was a different kiss, not too rough, not too soft, not slow, and not fast. I didn't know what it was, or what it meant, but it was all i needed to feel complete. To feel safe.

"I won," he whispered into the kiss. And sure enough, i looked down to see his thumb over mine.

"This food better be worth the wait," Luke groaned.

"Well you did order almost the entire menu" I laughed.

"That doesn't mean shit, they should learn how to cook fast," he scuffed.

"We're not the only costumers here, Luke" I chuckled.

He shrugged, "Well we're the most important ones."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm luke, and you're my hot date."

I knew i was blushing, I could feel the heat on my cheeks. I wasn't sure of what to say next, because I still couldn't fully believe that Luke and I were on a date. I mean, he's the sarcastic rude asshole, why would you he choose me when he can literally have anyone?

"Can i ask you something?"

He looks at me as if he's trying to figure out what I'm going to say, but he nods in response.

"Why are you doing this?" I ask, then look down at my hands in embarrassment.

"Isn't it obvious?"

"Isn't what obvious?" I look back up again.

"I like you."

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