A Day In The Life~ (Oneshot)🤪

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(A/N): HIIII!! This story is a crackfic based on an idea I had at 3 am 😃! I hope you enjoy this story! I feel like I had to write another crackfic because there's only one in the series!! ENJOY!!


I giggled silently as I listened to Danny rage throughout the house in search of me and his precious Sukuna blanket. I'd been hiding for the past half hour in hopes I'd finally draw his attention to me. Although my husband was an amazing person, he was also an idiot who forgot to eat when he got too caught up in anime binging. So, after hours of careful consideration and calculation, I came up with an idea. When Danny got up to take a bathroom break, I stole his blanket and ran as fast and far as I possibly could in my pink Pikachu socks.

Danny had immediately noticed the disappearance of his blanket and began his rampage. "WHEN I FIND YOU, YOUR ASS IS GRASS AND I'M THE LAWNMOWER!!", he shouted a few feet away from my hiding spot. I bit my lip in a horrible attempt at silencing my laughter while listening to his footsteps draw closer. Abruptly, the sound of his angry steps stopped and I felt a wave of goosebumps creep down my arms. "There you are, you sneaky little shit.", Danny whispered eerily causing me to look up from my spot behind the couch.

Sure enough, Danny had perched himself on the back of the couch above me like some demonic version of Spider-Man. I stared at him for a second before running away as fast as I could with his blanket tucked under my hoodie. "You'll never outrun me! Your wee little legs aren't long enough!", he roared a few feet behind me. I giggled while sharply turning the corner into the kitchen and running to the other side of the countertop island.

Danny followed soon after me, stopping on the opposite side of the counter. "Give me the Sukuna blankey and I'll forget your treachery.", he sneered while holding his hand out. I pulled the blanket from underneath my hoodie and looked at it. "I'll happily give you your blankey when you eat like I asked you to four hours ago.", I said while gesturing to the sandwich and fruit plate I'd made for him on the counter between us. He scoffed and crossed his arms childishly while shaking his head.

"Absolutely not! I'll eat when I wanna eat.", he stated firmly. I chuckled while tossing the blanket from one hand to the other. "I'm sorry, honey. That might've sounded like a suggestion, but it most definitely wasn't. Eat. Your. Food. Now!!", I said while raising my voice a bit toward the end. Danny looked at me and raised his eyebrow while looking me up and down. "Who do you think you're talking to?", he inquired sassily.

I scoffed and put the blanket on the counter behind me. "You. Who else would I be talking to when there's no one here but us.", I remarked while pushing the plate in his direction. He looked left and right around the kitchen before looking back at me. "Can't be.", he simply said while pushing the plate back to me. "Danny, do not make me force-feed you.", I warned with a dark look.

He laughed and smirked mischievously. "Oh, honey I will fight you before I let you force-feed me.", he declared while rolling up his sleeves. I shook my head before doing the same and rolling my shoulders. "You're acting like I won't cock back, swing, and bend yo shit right now. You know how much I love a good fight.", I purred while walking around to his side of the counter. He cracked his neck and I followed suit. "Bitch, please. You're not big enough to touch me.", Danny teased causing my smirk to grow. "That's what she said.", I teased back with a nod in his direction.

His smirk was instantly replaced with a wide-mouthed look of shock and disbelief. "Ah hell nah. I gotta defend my honor after that one.", he announced before taking his stance. I put up both my hands and began bouncing on my toes like a boxer. "You can get your ass kicked, but you can't defend shit.", I corrected his previous statement before smoothly gliding to the side and dodging a lighthearted smack. I lightly slapped his neck and moved away before Danny could hit me back. We moved across the kitchen trading soft blows while laughing and giggling like children. Eventually, I managed to tackle him and put him in a chokehold.

I cackled as he thrashed around in a weak attempt to escape my koala-like grip. He reached up to hit my shoulder, narrowly missing my face. "Bro, if you hit my face I will dog walk your ass. I put that on my soul.", I said in a slightly serious tone. He scoffed and continued to try and free himself. "Let me go!", he roared while wiggling vigorously. "Not until you double pinky promise me you'll eat, you spicy fucking cauliflower!!", I yelled back causing him to heave a sigh.

"Fine.", he muttered, "But don't expect me to be happy about it.". Danny held up both his hands with his pinky fingers extended. I smiled while wrapping my pinkies around his to seal our promise before freeing him completely. We stood and I gestured toward his plate wearing a smile and batting my lashes innocently. He threw up his middle finger before sitting down and eating his food. My smile grew as I watched him fight back a smile of his own. I walked over to the fridge to get him a bottle of water then slid it across the counter toward him.

I rested my elbow on the counter and used my palm to support my chin as I watched him eat. "It's bussin', isn't it.!~", I teased. Danny rolled his eyes and tossed a grape into his mouth. "It's just a sandwich, hoe. Anyone can make a sandwich.", he said before taking a sip of his water. My smile morphed into a smirk. "Honey, no one can make a sandwich like me. You and I both know there's a lot of things 'anyone' can do that I can do better.", I spoke with a smooth and almost lustful tone. He chuckled, and his eyes met mine. "Don't I know it.", he said with a tone I knew well.

I glanced down at Danny's plate to see that it was clear. I walked over the counter and grabbed his Sukuna blanket before tossing it to him. He caught it effortlessly and hugged it to his chest. "How I missed you, Sukuna! I hope that mean lady didn't hurt you too much.", he said while cuddling the blanket to his chest like a baby. I giggled a bit before turning around and exiting the kitchen.

"Where are you going?", Danny called out as I began climbing the stairs. "While you're down there cooing over your blankey, I'm going to have some fun of my own!", I shouted back before climbing the stairs faster. There was a thud followed by the sounds of rushed footsteps. I paused to watch Danny slide out of the kitchen on his socks with his blanket now tied around his neck like a cape. "Not without me you're not!", he said while pointing a warning finger at me. I smirked and began climbing the stairs as fast as I could. "You gotta catch me first, lover boy!!", I shouted over my shoulder as he began climbing the stairs after me.

This was going to be fun!



Hiiii!! I hope you all enjoyed this story of mine!! The update after the next one will be a continuation of the 'Devil's In The Details' mini-series, so keep an eye out for that!! Remember to eat food, drink water, and stream 'Butter'! See y'all next week!

thesmolbean out.

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