Tempest (Oneshot) ✨

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(A/N): Hii again! Welcome back to another story!! This will be a continuation of the 'Thunder' mini-series!! Please comment your thoughts and enjoy this piece. Also, remember that each mini-series will have an opportunity to have its own book at the end of this oneshot book! Enjoy <3

Danny and I had been running for what seemed like hours, following something that only I could see. The sparks of Raiden's soul imprint danced and glittered across my vision like a dessert mirage guiding me closer and closer to salvation. Hopefully, that is what would be found at the end of the trail we were following.

"What color are they now?", Danny asked over the sound of blood rushing through my ears. I squinted and watched as the sparks subtly began to lighten the farther we ran. "They were golden at first, but they grow brighter every 500 feet we run!", I shouted back to him. He nodded before sniffing the air a bit. "His scent's getting stronger, we're getting closer.", he informed me as we turned a sharp curve to the right. I looked around at the surrounding foliage and trees as a thought itched the back of my mind. Something about this place was almost familiar to me.

I looked back to the sparks to see that they were glowing a heavenly white color. "They're white now. Almost as white as your tails.", I said and he hummed. "There's a clearing up ahead. Maybe he wandered there.", he thought aloud as I caught sight of a large clearing that was shaped like a crescent. I gasped as I finally realized where I was. "He didn't wander off! He followed my scent back to camp!", I exclaimed as we entered the clearing. In the middle of the crescent, I saw our tents still pitched from the night before.

In front of one of the tents sat my friend Dalia holding a very excited Raiden. The fluffy ears of Raiden's head swiveled toward the sound of our approaching footsteps. He turned to us and began yipping happily. Dalia looked up with wide eyes and stood with Raiden in her arms. I let go of Danny's hand to run toward her faster. The sparks faded and so did the warmth in my body as our hands disconnected. With a relieved sigh, I crashed into my friend with a warm hug.

"Where the hell have you been?! You had me worried sick, dumbass!!", she scolded and pulled away to flick my forehead. I chuckled nervously. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you.", I said as I rubbed the sore spot where she'd hit me. She scoffed and held up Raiden. "Try me.", she said sassily. "Fine.", I sighed out while looking toward the sky, "It's gonna be a long story, though.".


"And that's what happened. You still believe me?", I asked while starring at the empty eyes of my best friend. I had spent the last few hours telling Dalia everything that had happened the previous night and explaining, with the help of Danny, the new abilities that I'd be coming into. "Ok lemme get this straight.", she started while standing and beginning to pace like she normally did when she was excited. "You're telling me that last night you were chased by hunters for saving a kitsune kit, almost killed, witnessed these hunters get smitten or smoten- whatever the fuck- and then you were rewarded with a kitsune servant... AND KITSUNE POWERS?!", she said while trying to process the entire situation.

I hummed a 'yes' and she chuckled in disbelief. "I knew my dad was always right when he called you Seven. You really are a good luck charm!", she giggled out while shaking her head and running her fingers through her hair. Danny hummed while looking skyward at the darkening clouds. "Luck has nothing to do with it. She was noble and pure-hearted in her actions, something only someone God sent would do. For that she'll be given many gifts, all of which I will train her to use.", he spoke while standing and stretching his limbs.

"Well, when do you two start? This whole situation is making me excited beyond belief!", Dalia said while grinning widely. I smiled understanding how happy she was. She'd believed in fairytales and myths all her life and was bullied for it quite a bit in high school. She didn't let that stop her, though. She went on to earn a Master's degree in Mythological Studies. She had waited her entire life for something like this, so I'd be sure to make her proud.

"Now.", he answered simply while standing with his eyes still trained on the slate grey sky. "Now?", I questioned as I watched him begin stretching, "It's about to storm, though.". Danny nodded and began bouncing on the balls of his feet. "This is the perfect time to practice. The storm maximizes your power's potential. Tonight, I can tell there'll more lightning than usual, too.", he answered. A dull blue glow started to surround his body, steadily getting brighter. His tails spiked simultaneously, causing them to double in size. The brown of his eyes turned electric blue as he began to levitate.

"Holy shit that's cool!!", Dalia breathed out with wide eyes. He ascended about six feet into the air before flicking one of his tails. A crack of lightning shot through the air, and a mischievous smirk graced his features. His bright blue gaze flickered to mine as he made a come hither motion in my direction.

"Come forward, Master. There's much to be taught.", he spoke firmly. I stepped toward him as he descended a few feet. "Would you like to duplicate my form or manifest one of your own?", he inquired with his face inches above mine. "Yes?", I answered nervously earning a deep chuckle from him. With a flourish, Danny offered both of his hands to me. A sighed and placed my palms in his. "Take a deep breath in and hold it. Then, imagine the form you wish to take.", he ordered. I nodded and followed his instructions, picturing a form similar to his. A warm breeze flowed through me and I felt my feet leave the ground.

"Good, you're doing great. I'm gonna let you go, but keep focusing on the form you want.", he whispered and removed his hands from mine. I froze for a moment before relaxing and allowing my body to rise higher. The warmth increased steadily until it was no longer comforting. "Okay, you're almost there. Open your eyes now.", I heard Danny's voice speak near my ear. I exhaled and opened my eyes cautiously.

I gasped as I looked down at the world below me. On the ground, I could see Dalia and Raiden jumping around and cheering me on, but the sound of their cheers was lost in the wind. In the distance, there was a large clap of thunder and I saw lightning flash across the sky. A stray bolt struck a tree right down the middle, instantly sending it ablaze.

"This form looks beautiful on you! It's doing something strange to my senses.", Danny purred and I felt a shiver run down my spine accompanied by a spark of electricity in my lower back. I whipped around to see Danny winding and unwinding one of my tails around his wrist. Unlike his, my tails were silver grey with black lightning bolts creeping down towards the tips. I suspected my ears were the same color.

"Do you trust me, darling?", he asked while moving to stand chest to chest with me. I nodded and watched his pretty blue eyes sparkle with joy and playfulness. "Good! The first step of mastering this form is allowing your body to fuse with it so that you can use it on command. For that, you'll need a bit of a charge.", he explained with a rogue look in his eyes. Just as I was about to ask what he meant, he looked up and shoved me away from him. I didn't have time to wonder what the hell was going on before there was a flash of white and the feeling of pure power flooded my entire being. I could feel everything, from the fibers of my hair to the atoms around me. A ragged breath ripped through me as I looked down at my body. Nothing had changed except for the goosebumps running rampant down my arms.

"What. was. that??", I breathed out and Danny snickered at me. "That was power in its purest form, also known as lightning!", he explained and my eyes widened. "YOU PUSHED ME INTO A LIGHTNING BOLT?!", I questioned and he nodded while still laughing. Seeing the shock and annoyance on my face, his grin eased into a taunting smirk. "You don't like that I did that? What're you going to do about it, master?", he drawled out teasingly.

Instead of getting angry as he expected, I simply mirrored his smirk and made a finger gun with my hands. I slowly lifted it, aiming it at him, while feeling power surge through my arm and into my fingertips. "Boom.", I whispered as I 'fired' the gun. An unnaturally loud clap of thunder sounded and Danny was knocked clear across the sky. For a moment, he was caught off guard and began to fall from the sky before he caught himself. With a playful fire in his eyes, he slowly ascended back into the sky wearing a wicked grin. "Oh, you want to play that way, darling?", he growled as his body powered up with lightning,

"Let's play then."


(A/N): Hello, my honeys!! SORRY FOR BEING LATEEE!! I hope you enjoyed this addition to the mini-series! I worked hard on it, so please remember to comment, vote, and share. Also, don't forget to drink and eat healthily! I LOVE YOU ALL SO FRICKIN' MUCH!! <33

thesmolbean out.

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